Advocates for the Second Amendment scored a landmark victory today as the Supreme Court struck down a 109-year-old New York law.
America must become a civilizational state, or go into demographic winter. Herewith a blueprint to make that happen.
Gay Pride Month presumes to celebrate that which certain laws, still on the books, make unlawful. America must address that fault.
Rule of law in the United States has yielded to politics, with elected officials selectively applying the law.
Proponents of abortion commonly mis-phrase the question and ignore the body within the body that does not belong to the woman in question.
After every mass shooting, politicians threaten to punish law-abiding citizens yet again. Stop voting for such people.
Another school shooting has taken place in a gun-free school zone. Those zones work only to get children killed. Politicians need to pay.
Bill Maher observes a generational trend toward alternative lifestyle identification - and questions its validity in an incisive talk.
Welfare has 59 million people dependent on government. Neither the Constitution nor the Bible sanction forced government charity.
Have incompetent leaders made a food shortage? Or is this a deliberate gambit in the war between the globalists against the rest of us?