Who is responsible for the critical problems Joe Biden has ostensibly caused? Not Biden himself – but either Bill Ayers or George Soros.
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is September 17, 2021, Constitution Day for those of us who still recognize the document. So...
The Centers for Disease “Control” are actively considering internment as a way to pursue the impossible dream of “containing” COVID-19.
Real reporting on the ground does not show masses of people lining up for the vaccine. They are in the streets protesting and refusing it.
A couple of days ago, I listened to a special Independence Day edition of the Steve Deace Show. It included a reading of the Declaration of...
Lockdown didn't work against SARS-CoV-2 and couldn't have. It empowered would-be tyrants, nothing more. But people can fortify themselves.
The Supreme Court just took a case involving "community caretaking," a faulty doctrine offering excuses for expanding police powers to seize guns, etc.
Doug Casey warns that the loss of First Amendment protections is an outward sign of an inner rot that has taken over our culture.
Otherization means setting up "others" as a scapegoat, an excuse to curtail liberty and a people everyone finds it acceptable to deprive of liberty.
The State of the Union, post-Trump, cannot be good, given especially the attitudes of the victors and their promises--read threats.