Largely unbeknownst to themselves, influential segments of the New Right and the progressive left share a deep-seated – and delusive – belief. Both suppose that freedom...
On Afghan Soldier's Day, an opportunity to pause and reflect on the continuing struggle against oppression in Afghanistan.
The candidates who appear on the ballot, reflect the wishes and desires of voters, as their actual votes show.
The American Educational Revolution begins by recognizing the harms professional educators have wrought and how wrong their theories are.
The Walt Disney Company is under attack from three directions - a State government, an aggrieved actress, and now Elon Musk himself.
Citing several cases worldwide, the authors show that women suffer the most when societies curtail religious freedom.
Freedom of speech has been under attack since the coronavirus pandemic began (or before), while Big Pharma schemes for a mandatory shot.
The World Economic Forum completed its annual meeting today in Davos, Switzerland, where the elites told us what's good for us in their eyes.
Vaclav Havel asked why the rich and powerful tell the rest of us that the rich and powerful are oppressors. Americans forgot his answer.
Anthony Blinken refuses to add Nigeria to a blacklist of countries that violate religious freedom, though they are one of the worst offenders.