Gun control is the new Obamacare. The putative President plans to push as hard for it as he did for socialized medicine four years ago. (And...
Over the last many decades the world has seen, over and over again, like a “Groundhog Day” nightmare, people of this earth, assist, support and even...
It is said that those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. While listening to the details about Congress’ latest financial deal, along...
The gun control debate threatens to get out of hand. Gun control advocates abandon civility, while the people arm themselves and prepare for battle. If that...
While on the campaign trail last year with a friend, his opponent made it clear that he was a man that could reach across the aisle...
It bears repeating: this unconstitutional Obamacare “Act” H.R.3590 is a deprivation of liberty, and has no severability clause. Therefore any single violation of the U.S. Constitution...
Since the horrendous murder of those innocent children in Sandy Hook there has been much written as well as many heated debates about gun control and...
I ask again: does the Constitution mean what it says. If it does, then Obamacare is dead on arrival. The United States Constitution, Supreme Court precedent,...
Based upon the United States Constitution, Supreme Court precedent, and now, established case law, Obamacare is dead on arrival in 2013. But before I prove Obamacare...
Ron Paul has a quarrel with Wayne LaPierre. Ron Paul does not necessarily want armed guards in school. (And he certainly does not want to pass...