Naomi Judd, mother and beloved performer of country/western music, died April 30, 2022, at 76. She was suffering from severe depression.
The Bangladesh Mask Study, the only study of its kind to "show" that "masks save lives," shows no such thing, because it is fraudulent.
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) stands for parental rights in education. The Walt Disney Company and the President wish to violate these rights.
A new “soft” authoritarianism has taken hold in America, for which the pandemic paved the way. Prayer, protest, and action can stop it.
Mainstream media organs took $1 billion from U.S. taxpayers to push a deadly lie and promote the dangerous and countereffective COVID vaccine.
April Fool's Day has been part of Western civilization arguably since ancient Rome. But sometimes the joke can be a warning.
Seventeen years ago, Terri Schiavo died. The reptilian attitudes of the three men directly responsible, show they have no feelings.
Governor Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) signed a new bill to stop the grooming of little children in sexual matters in school.
The Left wants a woman to be ashamed, not proud, to be one. They do this for population decline. But did they jump the shark recently?
The vaccine narrative by Pfizer, the FDA and the CDC has collapsed, because the data does not support it and shows they were lying.