Donald Trump has selected an unconventional Secretary of Defense with actual experience leading troops in combat.
The Mayor of Denver, Colorado threatened civil war to "protect" "his" contingent of illegal aliens. Does he really want to die on that hill?
Two authors describe how the embrace of communist China after Mao died was the greatest strategic mistake America made.
A former AFC (Army Futures Command) officer calls for reinstating the budget authority this modernization command once had.
The Marine Corps is in serious trouble, from the misguided Force Design protocol. The next Secretaries of Defense and the Navy must fix this.
How Trump defeated Daesh, or ISIS, the organization that formed from the remnants of Al-Qaeda after the Iraq War.
Government officials, military officers, doctors, and teachers are behaving in an unprofessional manner after the election of Donald Trump.
Too often, America ignores its veterans because their day follows so closely after the election. How to avoid this.
A retired military officer endorses Donald Trump as the one most llikely to end endless wars and reform the military.
A retired rear admiral responds to attempts in the media to promote climate change panic by saying the military takes it seriously.