The Nord Stream Pipeline is disabled, perhaps permanently, definitely by sabotage. The question now becomes: who did it?
The FBI continues to lose prestige and moral authority as three cases go sour. But it is also behaving like a 2000 year old secret police.
The Department of Homeland Security began extra-constitutionally and as an instrument of tyranny in 2001. Now it is returning to that theme.
The Biden Administration plays out like an episode of The Twilight Zone - say, "The Eye of the Beholder" or any of many others.
When Biden made that September 1 speech, he looked like Hitler addressing a Nuremberg rally - to distract from his failing record.
Judge Aileen Cannon today ordered a special master in President Trump's dispute over the raid on his house last month.
The Mainstream Media showed themselves willing accomplices to the tyranny that Joe Biden might be preparing to visit on America.
The FBI is in trouble, and we see dissension in the ranks, by reason of its clearly unconstitutional actions and recent history.
Last night the President of the United States delivered an oration declaring half the country enemies of the State.
Is the FBI beginning to lose its war against Trump? They admit to violating attorney-client privilege, and a top agent had to resign.