Pittsburgh public schools will close 16 schools, a sign of the city's decline in population and loss of attractiveness.
Too often schools, facing allegations of sex abuse by faculty and staff, “pass the trash” by hiding records of bad acts.
Yuval Harari pitches the globalist message directly to children, by indoctrinating them in the exaggerated value of cooperation.
Chicago illustrates the failures of Progressive policies in all public-policy areas. New York from 1994 through 2014 offers a contrast.
America has several problems in education, from poor performance to lack of marketable skills. J. D. Vance should address this.
The Final Title IX Rule, issued in April, now stands enjoined in two separate courts - and the Supreme Court refused to lift the injunction.
As governor, Tim Walz instituted radical education measures designed to subvert, indoctrinate, and twist minds.
Cell phones do not belong in class. Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R-Va.) has ordered them out, and other governors should follow his example.
The debate on how to raise boys has boiled over with the injection of feminist political (and critical) theory into that debate.
Sexual abuse of students by faculty and staff is rapidly turning into an expensive proposition – for taxpayers supporting the schools.