The electric vehicle (EV) industry has many problems, traceable to unsound design, that no amount of regulation can cure.
The New Hampshire Primary gave impetus to Donald Trump. But that's only step one in reducing the damage the Biden administration has done.
A liberty-minded policy analyst examines regulatory absurdities in Pennsylvania and how they affect people, and calls for reform.
Profiling an organization dedicated to exposing and opposing the crimes of the American administrative state.
Regulations, vax mandates, and pilot firings have conspired to raise airline prices beyond any rational estimate.
Two insurers have announced suspensions of new homeowners' and commercial insurance policies in California, citing the wildfire danger.
New Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed seven executive orders to limit government and forbid CRT and the Latinx term.
On October 29, Hurricane Sandy struck New Jersey and other Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern States. Two weeks later, many in New York, New Jersey, West Virginia, and...
In an Ayn Rand world, regulation would be private, not governmental, and would work on an old principle: value for value in honest trade. Government regulation,...