Joe Biden cashed in on the Sacramento Excuse to regulate ghost guns as traditional firearms. That is unconstitutional any way it happens.
Yesterday a jury acquitted Kyle Rittenhouse of the five charges that still stood against him. But a United States congressman now demands a “review of the...
The Supreme Court just took a case involving "community caretaking," a faulty doctrine offering excuses for expanding police powers to seize guns, etc.
The Constitution protects individuals from government. Or did before SCOTUS started twisting and reshaping it. Now that's ended.
People are buying guns more than four times as much now as before. Why? Police are no longer responding and politicians are pushing socialism.
In Virginia and other States, governors and legislatures are working to disarm the people. Thomas Jefferson called for a little rebellion now and then.
Tyrants thrive when people are apathetic, but apathy can't last forever. Virginia is now the prize example as people respond directly.
Gun-free zones are an inherently fallacious concept and turn into killing zones. It's time to hold government agencies accountable for such deaths.
Those calling for gun control will try any devious means, including some, like red flag laws, that sound good, until you realize you are always the...
Firearms are the guarantors of people's rights in a truly free society. Whoever wants to dictate to you, must first disarm you.