Three Houston school employees and two officials of a private teacher training center face charges for selling a cheat pathway to teachers.
Government officials, military officers, doctors, and teachers are behaving in an unprofessional manner after the election of Donald Trump.
A Texas school superintendent scored a million-dollar remittance after having to resign after student performance remained abysmal.
Governor Tim Walz put in place an ultra-progressive education policy and appointed an explicit critical theorist for an adviser.
The Supreme Court will soon have to rule on whether religious charter schools are constitutional or unconstitutional.
Donald Trump can knock out the opposition, after a Minnesota academic was caught calling for the violent overthrow of the United States.
Many public schools have embrace Academic Return on Investment as a measure of how they do their job of educating a community's children.
The globalists are indeed coming for the world’s children – and ironically, Canadian parents realized it first, and other parents should.
Armed teachers stop school shootings before anyone even thinks to start them. Nothing else will serve, especially gun control.
Further exploration of transhumanism, and the dangers it poses, at the hands of a maniacal elite who literally plan to live forever.