Many public schools have embrace Academic Return on Investment as a measure of how they do their job of educating a community's children.
The globalists are indeed coming for the world’s children – and ironically, Canadian parents realized it first, and other parents should.
Armed teachers stop school shootings before anyone even thinks to start them. Nothing else will serve, especially gun control.
Further exploration of transhumanism, and the dangers it poses, at the hands of a maniacal elite who literally plan to live forever.
Enrollment in U.S. public schools has peaked and will continue to decline, given low birth rates and homeschooling.
A review of The Indispensable Right Free Speech in an Age of Rage by Jonathan Turley, law professor, columnist and litigator.
The insidious message of preventing hurt feelings, destroys competence and deliberately removes any basis for self-esteem.
The Democrats cannot pretend to be a party of real freedom, because every claim they make toward that end turns out to be false.
Pittsburgh public schools will close 16 schools, a sign of the city's decline in population and loss of attractiveness.
Too often schools, facing allegations of sex abuse by faculty and staff, “pass the trash” by hiding records of bad acts.