Fox News today raised the stakes and sent Tucker Carlson a cease-and-desist letter, according t Axios. His attorney responded.
The Daily Wire finally brought to Twitter their increasing problems with YouTube as a platform that continues its censorship policy.
A former Assistant Attorney General says legacy media leaks ahead of the indictment could constitute grounds to dismiss it.
The British government had its CISA equivalent, called the Counter Disinformation Unit (CDU), in "hourly" contact with Facebook and Twitter.
A Twitter user shared information on the North Atlantic Fellas Organization, a pro-Ukraine group specializing in harassment on Twitter.
After Tucker Carlson released his first "episode," Fox News accused him in writing of breach of contract. But Carlson will not stop.
A new Twitter Files extra dropped today accusing the FBI of colluding with the Ukraine Security Service to censor Twitter users.
Tucker Carlson debuted his new show on Twitter - and tore to tatters a favorite official narrative about Ukraine.
The Atlantic Council, one of the oldest globalist think tanks, played its own role in Internet censorship at Twitter and elsewhere.
Alex Berenson, who sued to get back onto Twitter last year, now can reveal that Twitter's legal department was not confident of prevailing.