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Tucker Carlson Twitter debut

Tucker Carlson debuted his new show on Twitter – and tore to tatters a favorite official narrative about Ukraine.

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Tucker Carlson Twitter debut

Tucker Carlson officially debuted his new show – all on Twitter – with a ten-and-a-half minute episode. That episode, as most reports pointed out, totally rejected the Ukrainian and WEF-originating anti-Russian narrative about the Kakhova Dam breach. But Carlson also tackled many other media narratives, and ended with guarded thanks to Twitter for providing an unrestricted platform.

Tucker Carlson on Ukraine

Tucker Carlson, who has his own site, uploaded his video to Twitter and tweeted it out here:

The Post Millennial, Independent Journal Review, and Headline USA all covered the debut. All three concentrated on the same subject: who attacked the Kakhova Dam? By no coincidence – though Carlson didn’t mention it – Ukraine began its long-awaited counteroffensive on June 5. The Kakhova Dam “blew up” and breached almost with the beginning of that counteroffensive, according to The Guardian. Carlson opened – with very little preamble – with the destruction of the dam, and a careful analysis of the facts. Like a detective applying the cui bono principle (or perhaps cui malo would fit better), he concluded that the Ukrainians blew up the dam. As a corollary, he ridiculed the notion that the Russians would “sabotage [their] own infrastructure.” That, he said, would require a narrative that Vladimir Putin was “thoroughly evil” and did it for his perverse pleasure. A proposition Tucker Carlson dismissed totally for lack of evidence.

At the same time, he played an oft-repeated video purporting to show Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), in conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, gloating over Russian casualties in their “special military operation” and citing that to say that American support for Ukraine was “the best money we [Americans] have ever spent.” He also played an undisputed video of Presidential Candidate Nikki Haley saying a Ukrainian win helps the United States. (She has never said exactly how.)

Other narratives

Tucker Carlson also touched on the Nord Stream sabotage, and accepted the evidence (from the German Bundeskriminalamt) that Ukraine blew that up. (He said nothing about Seymour Hersh’ earlier accusation that the United States Navy did it.)


But that wasn’t all Tucker chose to talk about. He said Americans were among the most misinformed people in the world. Not because we had little access to media organs – but because those organs are all selling the same narrative. A narrative he insists is demonstrably false.

As an example of misinformation, he cited an allegation that the American military possesses a “non-human” craft. According to Newsweek, an Air Force veteran claims that a secret program has retrieved multiple extraterrestrial wrecks. Some of these wrecks are nearly intact. Furthermore, most carried crew – and the Air Force has their remains. The most outlandish claim the whistleblower made, is that the Air Force has been recovering these wrecks for decades. Furthermore, the Air Force has gleaned technological secrets from examination of these wrecks.

The problem for Tucker Carlson is that the news has not gotten any broader play. Tucker Carlson said the story first appeared in an obscure technical journal.

People notice

Many people noticed. Dmitry Polyansky, First Deputy Representative of Russia to the United Nations, praised the episode effusively.

So did Kari Lake, Jack Posobiec, and many others.


One person even posted a take-off on Elon Musk carrying a bathroom washbasin into Twitter’s headquarters.

Not everyone praised him. One person posted a video in attempted rebuttal, with a long-form summary.

Remarkably, even he did not necessarily back every anti-Russian narrative. But in trying to dispute Carlson on whether Americans are misinformed, Krassenstein named Big Tech organs others can’t see. Apparently no one told him of the controversy surrounding their State actor-like participation in censorship. And though Krassenstein did touch on the UFO story, he said very little about it.

Tucker Carlson ended his video by thanking Twitter for providing him a platform. But, he said, if Twitter ever shows less than absolute dedication to freedom of speech, “we’ll leave.”

This of course is the latest in the saga of Tucker Carlson, who technically is on furlough from Fox. Rumors had Fox intending to cut Carlson off without severance – but obviously Fox chose a different strategy. Other rumors suggest Fox acted at the behest of Ukraine – or of Dominion Voting Services. But Carlson then had a talk with Elon Musk, and subsequently announced his intention to come to Twitter.

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Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.

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