Why did the Department of Housing and Urban Development pay $60,000 to build a rear-entrance garden for a pizza parlor?
In 2010, the U.S. Department of Transportation spent over half a billion dollars on highway beautification instead of repairs.
In a story that adds new meaning to the question, "What color is your parachute?" Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio) earmarked $60,500 of taxpayers' money to fund...
The Department of Education had a reputation as a waste of money fifteen years ago, when Tom Coburn exposed two particularly bad programs.
In 2010, a Washington State town spent federal funds to build a walking bridge across a river that already had a crossing.
Many times, disaster funds have gone to one-shot parties for the victims, instead of rebuilding and repair help they could have used.
In 2010, the government paid a leftist professor 3/16 of a million dollars to create a video game in protest of capitalism.
Minnesota bought luxury Rocket Rider buses for a private bus shuttle company, using some of Obama’s stimulus money.
Eugene, Oregon once spent $80,000 in extra federal money to create an incomprehensible sculpture, just to justify next year's budget.
The federal government once built 33 courthouses with extra courtrooms equivalent to nine more courthouses - entirely by accident.