The PLO-Palestinian Authority, headed by Mahmoud Abbas, has been inciting Arabs to kill Jews in Israel. This is not only a violation of International law, but...
“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.” – Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Constitution, Draft 1, 1776 In light of the violence across America...
This writer has been a close observer of public opinion in Israel regarding the 1993 Oslo Agreement. After five years of Israel’s experience with that Agreement,...
To begin to understand why Muslims are backward, consider this passage from G. E. Von Grunebaum’s Modern Islam (1962):
The Government of Israel is preoccupied, as usual, with security. Hence it is devoid of a constructive political philosophy clear enough to guide statesmen and vivid...
A statesman must possess not only political wisdom and moral courage; he must also have “class” or “refinement.” Unfortunately, these qualities are not conspicuous among Israeli politicians...
The more we Americans began hearing about the possible nuclear pact with the Islamic Republic of Iran, aka “the Iran deal,” and the more President Obama...
Barack Obama defended his Iran deal before his favorite type of sycophant: college students. Of course he said different things about it a few years earlier....
Every year the world hears about a group calling themselves “Palestinians.” In June 1967, so the story goes, the Israelis pushed them out of their homeland....
It has often been said that Bibi is Israel’s most intelligent prime minister. Let’s make a simple test of what his intelligence amounts to.