The COVID scare has almost run its course - and we're finding out that much of the death toll was deliberate.
A new study suggests as many as 17 million more people died in the Southern Hemisphere with the rollout of COVID vaccines.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. recently opened the door to speculation that he will run for President as an independent or third-party candidate.
The federal government is now asking the Supreme Court to allow censorship, and even resorting to outright lies to advance their position.
The Fifth Circuit Court ruled the government may not threaten social media - but may still persuade. The willing bully problem remains.
Right to Life of Central California won a permanent injunction against a law preventing them from peaceably approaching others.
Fox News is pushing COVID propaganda and seems to be blaming each side of the divide for the other's wrong acts.
COVID Scare 2.0 is already drawing more counterattacks as people point out the absurd inconsistencies in certain authorities' statements.
An independent journalist delivers a preemptive strike against COVID Scare 2.0 by reprising most of her articles from Scare 1.0.
Abandoning agriculture, immune overstimulation, alternative lifestyles, child "emancipation," crime - could all be part of one plot.