Judge Florence Y. Pan and her husband Max Stier make an anti-Trump, anti-Kavanaugh power couple that prejudices Trump’s cases.
Jon Ondrasik has produced a new video denouncing Gentile complacency in the face of the Fourth Arab-Israeli War. Herewith an interview.
President Joe Biden has finally admitted a crisis at the southern border, something he earlier refused to admit.
Elite universities have received $45 billion in government contracts and tax breaks over the last five years.
California made its Independent Contractor Rule, now a federal standard, to the detriment of free-lance workers.
News in America has been subject to a class of gatekeepers - who now have exposed themselves and can't hide their role any longer.
Many of our elected representatives don't pretend to represent us anymore. Complacent voters need to vote them out.
An elite 1 percent want to ban everything that makes ordinary Americans free - and learned that arrogance at university.
The Defense Department's report on China military power underestimates the military strength of China and the threat it poses.
Why is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) arming itself to the tune of $620,000 in guns and ammunition?