Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) will try a third time to become Speaker of the House - and Steve Scalise might be undermining him - with FTX...
The third vote to select a new Speaker was canceled today, and the House might not vote again until January 3, 2023.
The January 6 Event was a psychological warfare operation. Q-Anon Shaman, former chief suspect, lays out the evidence.
The alleged destruction of a Gaza hospital, and 500 casualties, turns out to be lie. But the lies behind this lie are rooted in history.
Are K Street lobbyists actively dealing with House Republicans to persuade them to vote against Jim Jordan? Steve Bannon so alleges.
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) lost a second round of voting in the House. But changed-up named indicate a higher level of gamesmanship.
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), nominated for Speaker of the House, lost his first roll-call vote today when 20 Republicans balked.
A forthcoming biography of Mitt Romney claims Oprah Winfrey offered him a Romney-Oprah independent ticket in 2020, to stop Trump.
Will President Biden deploy 2000 soldiers to the Gaza Theater when he visits Israel tomorrow? U.S. forces are rapidly building in theater.
A donors' revolt has begun, against Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania, after the ugly side of leftist politics has shown itself.