Can abortion doctors really do nothing else but perform abortions? Or were the "doctors" at Kamala Harris' rally mere play-actors?
One does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven after dying in rebellion against God and slavery to sin. Heaven doesn’t work that way.
The globalists are attempting an American Reformation, like the English Reformation of Henry VIII and just as self-serving.
The American electorate has a religious divide, between those who adhere to religion and those who disrespect it, and its adherents.
Americans have nowhere else to go, except to their knees in prayer. Two retired military chaplains describe their "prayer post."
God speaks plainly to His followers, in a Voice they know, as sheep know the voice of their shepherd. Christians should heed no others.
Jews cannot afford to be liberal anymore, and certainly cannot afford to tremble before liberal Gentile politicians in America.
When religion and science agree, a people can derive maximum benefit from both - but in Christian countries they are in needless conflict.
The Sons of Liberty celebrates its documentary on church complicity in tyranny in America, winner of two Christian Media awards.
A Jew takes her fellow Jews to task for embracing the politics of those who promise to accept them, yet despise them – a suicidal attitude.