Jews cannot afford to be liberal anymore, and certainly cannot afford to tremble before liberal Gentile politicians in America.
When religion and science agree, a people can derive maximum benefit from both - but in Christian countries they are in needless conflict.
The Sons of Liberty celebrates its documentary on church complicity in tyranny in America, winner of two Christian Media awards.
A Jew takes her fellow Jews to task for embracing the politics of those who promise to accept them, yet despise them – a suicidal attitude.
If the world and especially the United States is confused, that’s the result of turning away from God, Who is not the Author of confusion.
The American Church has overlooked a very close missions field: illegal and “temporarily protected” aliens, like the Springfield Haitians!
A look back at Eric Liddell, who won glory 100 years ago by not running on Sunday, but winning Olympic gold in a different foot race.
The 2024 Paris Olympics opened with a salvo against religion, and have become a litmus test for the (dis)respect some politicians show.
Black Americans enslave themselves all over again by sticking with Democrats and continuing to hurl insults at independent thinkers.
The GOP platform, released yesterday, is a realistic platform that proposes to change what the Party can change.