Historical proofs of Christ’s ministry are all very well, but faith must stand on the power of God to do things for people today.
The American people tolerate things they should not tolerate. For after all, Satan has already lost the war, and God has the power.
America needs another Great Awakening, as great as the First, to counteract the moral inversion that prevails in America today.
Christians need never fear Divine Judgment because God will be sure to protect Christians even as He visits judgment upon the wicked.
True humility sometimes looks like pride and arrogance – to cowards who hide behind false humility to excuse their cowardice – or worse.
A group for Muslim women is challenging fundamental tenets of their faith – when those tenets call for atrocity and antisemitism.
Antisemitism always requires a conspiracy, which usually entails a willful distortion of history. An accurate historical record is essential.
A politically conservative Jew tells her fellow Jews to leave the pews - of synagogues that pledged fealty to the left, which hates Jews.
Citing several cases worldwide, the authors show that women suffer the most when societies curtail religious freedom.
A summary of the annual message by Pope Francis to the world's diplomats, surveying various theaters of war.