The immigration reform bill now percolating through the Senate will solve nothing. If it passes, the United States will have yet another constituency for politicians and...
Yesterday the scandal involving the Internal Revenue Service broke wide-open. Angry members of a key subcommittee (including half its Democrats!) took turns denouncing the agency and...
The IRS scandal grows by the hour. Every hour shows more proof that the Internal Revenue Service behaved badly, and always has. But people aren’t looking...
Dear State Legislator, During the past several months I have attended a few of the hearings held in the capitol as one committee after another sat...
Traitors can come from a myriad of places – but none are more effective than those foxes that have been entrusted to watch the henhouse. We can...
To Senator Pat Toomey: First, thank you for posting the proposed “Safety and Second Amendment Rights Protection Act” on your website. Being able to read the...
I can’t speak for other states, since I’ve lived in New Jersey all my life. However, I can speak about a very disturbing trend that seems...
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) finally had a colleague bring her up short on how much she knew about the Constitution. In answer she said, “I am...
Senator Dianne Feinstein wants your guns. She has said so. But now she says outrageously that, under current law, one human being can hunt another.
Last week we posted the facts about the sequester. This week the political hysteria continues as the media, Fox News included, and big government leftists march...