A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. – Winston Churchill
In the week before Christmas of 2014, the Disneyland theme park saw what its officials least expected. A child, suffering from measles, came to the park....
The indictments one could level against the BBC are too numerous to mention and their range too extensive to fathom. As new stories air on the...
When interviewing a Jewish woman at the unity march in Paris, BBC Reporter Tim Willcox had the temerity to admonish her, “Many critics of Israel’s policy...
The Guardian, supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, does for the reading public what Common Core books, also supported by the Gateses, do for...
We break now the seal on a new year. As fresh resolutions, proclamations and promises directed towards bettering our lives and our communities, while quite honestly...
Norah O’Donnell is called an “anchorwoman,” defined as “a television reporter who coordinates a broadcast to which several correspondents contribute.” However, would she not vet the...
With the advent and growth of the internet, combined with the self inflicted demise and collapse of any credibility of the national and international “professional” news outlets, new...
A good communist finds use for everything, and nothing is more useful than a useful idiot. – Russian revolutionary and propagandist Vladimir Lenin Over the...
NPR’s political position is heard by many, and its audience is led to sympathize with the Islamic enemies of civilization. Our very future is in upheaval...