Prior to revealing once again what duplicitous, dishonest race baiting liars infest The New York Times and the spinelessness which continues to ulcerate the Republican Party...
This past weekend, amid the turmoil of world economic and military confrontation, “Deface The Nation” found it important to bring on yet another “man made global warming” expert. Well, he is...
I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Martin...
We’ve been at war now continuously since I was born, fifty-six years ago, and having served two decades active in the Corps, I still don’t have...
How does one diagnose Walter Duranty Syndrome? A news organ publishes a report at wild variance with the facts as others understand them. When those others...
Yesterday The New York Times released another Benghazi report, in six parts. David D. Kirkpatrick wrote a book on Benghazi. This six-part Benghazi report consists of...
Uninhibited speech without a doubt was thought by our founders to be integral to freedom and an oppression-free future. So they included it in the first...
Concerning useful idiots and managed news, Josef Goebbels said something profound, something people so often forger:
My ministry set up a booth at the Minnesota State Fair August 22 – Labor Day, as we have been for several years. Within hours of...
Good question: who is supporting the Obama administration? Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have. – Saul Alinsky, “Rules...