The House Weaponization Subcommittee held a raucous hearing that made clear that Republicans and Democrats can no longer agree on facts.
We now see county Republican party committees denouncing the coronavirus and its vaccines as biological weapons.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu went to a hospital near Tel Aviv after becoming dehydrated after several hours in the heat.
Archbishop Carlo Mario Viganò gave the world a warning a month ago. Herewith the details and why we ignore it at our peril.
The Amish, having refused the world's technology (and pandemic mandates), tended to survive coronavirus and avoid many chronic diseases.
Instead of World UFO Day, why not a Creation Day to remember that creation, not UFOs (or "evolution"), explains the world we live in.
Tucker Carlson says Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is winning, because he can get his message out and his enemies cannot ignore him.
The U.S. Coast Guard confirmed a tragedy at sea - a very poorly designed submersible dived to a crush depth, and was crushed.
Another would-be medical tyrant emerged last week, and the lay community, and even a fellow scientist, took him to task.
The White Coat Waste Project revealed that Ben Hu, lead investigator on what became SARS-CoV-2, had tens of millions $$ in NIH funding.