A team of atomic scientists may have observed matter traveling faster than the speed of light. If true, that finding changes everything.
I would like to address Geno’s responses in the comment space of Conservative News and Views. I would also like to make an offer to anyone...
Walt Brown believes in creation, and a planet-wide flood. Is he “ignorant,” as some say? Or does the physical evidence favor him?
Bernie Goldberg said tonight that those who hold to creation science are somehow ignorant. He’s usually a better journalist than that.
The left loves to use science as a by-word for enlightened policy—but always applies a double standard to that word and concept.
The Rick Perry evolution question was all the rage two days ago, and raises at least three disturbing questions of its own.
The “Question Evolution” campaign by Creation Ministries International gained a new ally recently: the Traditional Values Coalition.
Why is an agency of the United States government seriously worrying about armed extraterrestrial intervention in human affairs?
The finding of water on Mars has started a debate on where it came from, how much Mars holds, where it lies, and how long it...
NASA has found salt water on Mars. But it will never admit where it came from, or when—specifically, from Earth during the Great Flood.