We are continuing our series on Western Civilization, its destruction, and what that means for us today. Last time we talked about “financialization,” and how banks...
Today we’re going to continue our discussion of western civilization and how it met its demise. Today’s discussion will deal primarily with another one of the...
Bernie Sanders’ message of free college tuition, among other things, has resonated with those who believe they are entitled to as much “free stuff” as possible....
According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, government information that is available to all citizens who are willing to do the investigative work and...
Now the Republican Presidential candidates begin crawling out from the progressive shadows and into the Conservative sunlight. If our country were not in such dire straights,...
The Federal Reserve System has stood for more than a hundred years. It has in that time held the citizens and lawful residents of the United...
The National Debt Let’s run some numbers.
For those who have been paying attention, the DOW has had over 50 new highs this year. Sounds great, right?
We have heard all the terms and all the phrases such as Quantitative Easing, or Monetizing Debt and just plain QE4 (or whatever number they are...
De facto President Obama insists on making the “sequester” hurt as much as possible. Or so he thinks. But one executive, in an industry that takes...