Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu went to a hospital near Tel Aviv after becoming dehydrated after several hours in the heat.
Iowa enacted a six-week abortion restriction yesterday, one of the most restrictive laws in the country short of an outright ban.
In contrast to the hirelings of today, Jesus Christ and especially His Apostles and earliest disciples were profiles in great courage.
The House voted late last night NOT to authorize funding for military abortion travel in this year's National Defense Authorization Act.
Archbishop Carlo Mario Viganò gave the world a warning a month ago. Herewith the details and why we ignore it at our peril.
FBI Director Christopher Wray told a lie about whether his agency investigates parents as domestic terrorists. A former agent gave him away.
The Amish, having refused the world's technology (and pandemic mandates), tended to survive coronavirus and avoid many chronic diseases.
Rep. Mesha Mainor, a State Representative from Atlanta, Georgia, switched to the Republican Party after supporting a school choice bill.
Brown University's student newspaper reported a sharp rise in alternative lifestyle identification over more than a decade of surveys.
Fox News interrupted a show after its hostesses and guests saw a disturbance outside the studio windows that no one will talk about.