93% of Muslims won't swear fealty to the Constitution. The reason: their foundational documents clash with the Constitution in several key particulars.
Rahm’s Rule states: never let a good crisis go to waste. China and its puppet World Health Organization engineered this crisis, to follow that rule.
The panic buying (and much else) in response to coronavirus becomes a crisis of our own creation. Sometimes fear is worse than its object.
Turkey, once the Ottoman Empire, has a new Ottoman-like sultan. Or so President Erdogan behaves by dumping thousands of migrants at the Greek border.
The United States military is wrong to accommodate Muslim dress and grooming in its ranks. Have people soon forgotten the Fort Hood incident?
The true narrative of people in Gaza is dependence on others. This even includes dependence on Israel, their declared enemy.
The long war in Afghanistan is about to end. Afghanistan will revert to status quo ante 9/11. Or will its new leaders build the peace they...
Jew hate has been with humanity for thousands of years, at least since the first Purim during the Exile. Too many modern Hamans exist in the...
America needs a Fourth (Fifth?) Great Awakening, to combat the bitter fruits of turning away from God, including crime and immorality.
2020 Democratic contenders all advocate socialism to some degree. Bernie Sanders is merely the worst offender now in contention.