Egypt recalled its ambassador to Israel today, after five of its troops died after the ambush against Eilat in which seven Israelis died.
Israel came under attack from terrorists staging out of Egypt and Gaza—an attack that shows what a new Egypt-Israeli war might look like.
Does Russia Today back Ron Paul? Are they breaking US law? A long-time alternative-media organ charged just that yesterday.
Ron Paul has been an isolationist for most of his career. It will cost him his last campaign, despite his good ideas about the economy.
Michele Bachmann is the best proponent of Tea Party values among Republican candidates. In the Iowa debate, she let everyone know it.
The Justice Department is still trying to cover up Operation Fast and Furious. Today two Members of Congress called them out on it.
Obama walked out of the debt ceiling talks yesterday, as Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s both threatened to downgrade US debt.
A correspondent investigating Operation Fast and Furious today received a death threat with a friend of his as the target.
Milestones are being achieved and partnerships are being strengthened here at Combat Operating Base Speicher (formerly Al Sahra Airfield) in Tikrit, Iraq, home of the 52nd...
A big debt ceiling deal with trillions of dollars in spending cuts cannot happen, because the two sides are at an impasse.