HAMAS apparently supplied its fighters with an illegal stimulant so they would commit their atrocities without consciousness of guilt.
The alleged destruction of a Gaza hospital, and 500 casualties, turns out to be lie. But the lies behind this lie are rooted in history.
Will President Biden deploy 2000 soldiers to the Gaza Theater when he visits Israel tomorrow? U.S. forces are rapidly building in theater.
A multi-platform social-media influencer accused Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu of Israel of standing down his forces on day 1 of the war.
The Islamic Republic of Iran denies any role in operational planning of the attack on Israel, negating previous boasts from HAMAS.
Israel is waging all-out war against Gaza, with bombing runs and plans for a ground invasion. Has Gaza gotten weapons from Afghanistan?
Israel once again finds itself at war, after a surprise more embarrassing than Pearl Harbor. This has raised a lot of interesting questions.
HAMAS launched its most devastating surprise attack yet on the Negev, neighboring to Gaza. Israel has declared war and is retaliating.
The much-vaunted counteroffensive by Ukraine is failing, with mounting casualties, abandonment by foreigners, and a fired defense minister.
The new BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) community inducted six more members to create a new economic and military pact.