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Ask the candidates



Ron Paul speaks about liberty and safety

The Republicans have scheduled two debates in September—and for the later one, you can propose questions to ask the candidates.

The debate schedule

The first debate will, of course, take place on September 7 in California. The second will take place on September 22, 2011, in Orlando, FL, between 9:00 and 11:00 pm.

Fox News Channel and will co-host the event. That last is important, because Google is making one of its key resources available to ordinary voters. Through Google’s YouTube service, Republican prospective voters may directly suggest questions for the moderators to ask the candidates.

How to ask the candidates

Michele Bachmann. Ask the candidates, including her.

Michele Bachmann poses before an American flag. Photo: United States House of Representatives

Anyone wishing to take part, will need a Google account. These are easy to set up.

Next, log on to Fox News’ YouTube channel. The channel gives a user two options for asking a question: by text or by video. Neither Fox nor Google set any specific limit on a video question. But if usual broadcast practice is any guide, the best advice is to keep your questions short and sweet. That means thirty seconds of video footage, or one (or at most, two) simple sentences of text.

Best questions to ask

Users can assign their questions to any of several categories. They include foreign policy, immigration, fiscal policy, and social issues.


The most important question to ask the candidates is one that the mainstream media are not asking. That is: Will you thwart UN Agenda 21, and how will you do this? The United Nations, as a supra-national body, is unconstitutional anyway. But the worst thing that it is now doing, is deliberately threatening the sovereignty and the liberties of the American people. For a refresher on what UN Agenda 21 is, see here and here.

Beyond that, ask the candidates about several UN Conventions on:

To be sure, the Obama administration has extended government authority beyond any rational estimate. (The Eleventh Circuit said that in denying the government’s appeal in Florida ex rel. Bondi v. HHS et al.) But what the United Nations is now doing is worse, especially since it has amassed its own power by stealth. And the Obama administration has helped. Operation Fast and Furious is a prize example.

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Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.

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