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Chris Christie for President?



Chris Christie of New Jersey: did he learn anything?

Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) still denies that he will run for President. But now several Republican establishment donors want him to.

What has Chris Christie said?

Chris Christie seems constantly to have people ask him whether he will run for President in 2012—or why he won’t. His answer is always the same: he will not run, because he is too busy being Governor. (Christie did consider forming an “exploratory committee” back in February—then changed his mind, according to The Daily Caller. The Federal Election Commission holds no listing for such committee, or any document with Chris Christie’s name on it.)

Until recently, at least publicly, old-line Republicans took him at his word. Then came the September 22 Orlando GOP Debate.

Chris Christie reconsiders

Chris Christie holds a town hall meeting

Chris Christie holds a town hall meeting in Hillsborough, NJ, on March 2, 2011. Photo: Bob Jagendorf, CC BY 2.0 Generic License

Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) did not handle himself well at all. So on the very next day, the first rumors filtered out of New Jersey that Chris Christie might enter the race after all. On Saturday, the “pressure” on Christie increased. (Sources: and The New York Post).

The fact that nobody yet who’s running for president, in my view, has done that effectively is why you continue to hear people ask [Gov. Mitch] Daniels [R-IN] if he’ll reconsider and ask me if I’ll reconsider.

Even Governor Perry speculated on a Chris Christie run, saying that Christie would be “a great competitor.” Larry Sabato at the University of Virginia says that Christie could win not only the nomination but the election, and by landslides.

Today, the Post flat-out begged Christie to run for President. They said that Christie could speak better than the rest, could speak without prompting aids, and has a good record in New Jersey. (Some Tea Party activists might disagree with that.) The Post also quoted New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg as saying that Chris Christie would be better able than any other Republican candidate to win against Barack Obama in November, 2012.


Sources disagree on how Christie is taking this.’s sources all say that Christie wants more time to make up his mind. Your editor heard a wild rumor that Christie formed an exploratory committee today. (See above—the FEC does not confirm this.) These two videos from Fox 5 New York seem to say that Christie still will not run.

Tea Party skeptical

One thing is certain: Chris Christie would not receive any Tea Party support in New Jersey. RoseAnn Salanitri, founder of the Sussex County Tea Party, told your editor to “follow the money.” By this she meant that Christie is hearing from large donors and “bundlers” (those who recruit others to give up to the one-person limit, hoping to pass large total sums to candidates). Christie is not hearing from ordinary citizens and lawful residents.

Salanitri has a long list of “strikes” against Christie. They include:

  • He appointed a practicing Muslim to a Superior Court judgeship.
  • He never filed or joined any lawsuits against the health care reform bill.
  • He did not truly cut New Jersey’s budget, though he did slow its rate of growth.
  • He supports a major off-shore wind farm. (Yet he withdrew from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, after saying that it did not work as advertised.)
  • He has never once opposed UN Agenda 21, or moved to stop local governments from implementing its provisions.


On Tuesday, September 27, Fox News Channel’s America Live program reported that Chris Christie will not run for President in 2012. Details are sketchy, but add up to this: Chris Christie never intended to run for President in this election cycle, and nothing he has heard from any other Republican was enough to change his mind.

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Terry A. Hurlbut
+ posts

Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.

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I have to agree with Tea Party spokesperson, RoseAnn Salanitri. That’s why Christie’s appeal would be to Country Club Republicans and those who secretly love RINOS.

But I must say, that Christie would be a formidable GOP candidate. If he did enter the GOP race for the 2012 Republican nominee, Christie would be immediately considered, a heavyweight contender.

moderately conservative

who cares that he is a muslim? remember? no reliugious test? constitution?

moderately conservative

Ok I think I understand them. I thought you meant it was a problem just because he was a muslim. Of course if he is promotiong shari’ah then he has no place in the American court system.


They’ll vote against OBAMA! The “Tea Party” will vote for whoever the GOP nominates. The Tea Party would vote for a duck rather than Obama.


I’m sorry, but I have to agree with Salanitri, that Christie is nor conservative enough. He does leave alot to be desired. He would be better running on the Democratic ticket along with Perry and Romney!!! I still feel that we need a Cain/Gingrich ticket for true conservative purposes. Even though Gingrich has a lot of baggage and was part of the establishment, he DOES bring alot to the table.

Rob Johnson

So who is a) “conservative enough” AND, more importantly, b) can get elected?

Senator Harrison

Hi Terry,

I can accept all the strikes against Christie from the Tea Party (I think they’re all stupid but I can accept them), but I cannot find any credible website supporting your claim. The only ones that do are hardcore right-wing conspiracy sites. There isn’t any actual proof. I agree that a judge imposing Sharia Law is a problem, but holy crap, the Islamophobia just makes you all look so dumb.


Terry, the poster above you said that he couldn’t find a case where the judge had encouraged the use of Sharia law, and you replied that it’s enough that he’s a Muslim.

Is there any evidence that this judge wanted Sharia used any context? Or do you not like the judge just because you fear Muslims?


I believe you need to read up on what Sharia Law actually is and how it is practiced. Muslim’s interpretation of what “Allah’s will” is (whatever that means) greatly differs depending on where it is that you go. Sharia Law is many ways the same thing as Christian Law. Yes in most Muslim countries take it way too far. Other nations (Indonesia, Turkey, Malaysia, among others) base some of their laws off of Muslim Laws, but skip over the crazy parts.

There is a significant number of people in the United States who believe that our laws here should be based off of the laws of Christianity (this is completely contrary to what the Founding Father’s wanted, but thats besides the point). Certain parts of Christian Law apply very well to our modern legal system, such as forbidding murder, theft, etc. Other parts (legalized slavery, death by stoning to those who work on Sunday, legal to sell one’s daughters into prostitution, etc) are absolutely absurd and abhorrent. The same goes for Muslim Law.

Also, whats wrong with an off-shore wind farm? This is a perfect example of domestic and very local (within the state) energy production. Just because the liberals like something doesn’t make it a inherently bad idea.


No it wouldn’t. Fathers would arrange marriages in Western countries up until the 20th century, are you saying that we used to have Sharia Law here? Sharia Law isn’t set in stone, it just refers to laws based off of Islamic Law. One could argue that laws that forbid theft and murder are Sharia Law, since those acts are banned in the Koran as well as the Bible.

Its not out of context, God instructed Moses for his people to follow these laws. All Jews, Christians, and (arguably) Muslims are descended from Moses’ people, so we all follow the same laws.

Slavery is certainly acceptable according to the Bible, I wouldn’t even consider that debatable. As to the other bits I mentioned:

Work on Sundays:
Exodus 31:14
Exodus 35:1-3

Sell daughters into slavery:
Exodus 21:7-11

A few other odd rules:
Exodus 21:17
Leviticus 24:19-20

And some interesting doctrines regarding rape:
Deuteronomy 22:28-29
Deuteronomy 22:23-24

My point is, we cant take everything out of the Bible literally. It was written for a different time, when women didn’t have rights and it was acceptable to invade another nation and make them all your slaves. I dont think that any reasonable person would say that we should live our lives exactly as given by the Bible. And as such, no reasonable Muslim would argue that laws should be completely based off the Koran. Unfortunately there just so happens to be a lot more unreasonable Muslims than there are unreasonable Christians.


I would love to see Christie as our President, but I would also love to see Herman Cainn as well. We need a competant person who is not going to let the position go to thier head. We should be able to find that person, after all, this is the greatest country in the world for God’s sake.

[…] Chris Christie for President? […]


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