Is Governor Chris Christie a Trojan horse?

Here we go again, as political pundits try to choose the next Republican presidential candidate without a clue to just who Governor Chris Christie is. Or do they know? A reality check is in order.
Chris Christie the Unready?
Chris Christie repeatedly tells us he’s not ready for a presidential run – so humble is the Governor that he told Chris Wallace that he’s “not arrogant enough to believe he was prepared for the presidency.” Christie’s real problem – many of us in New Jersey believe America is not ready for another counterfeit Republican.
Chris Christie may be one smart calculating politician. Although he said he would not run for President, he never said he wouldn’t accept the position of Vice President if chosen. What better experience for a future presidential candidate than being Vice President? Maybe Rick Perry whispered the idea into Christie’s ear on Perry’s last visit to New Jersey.
The Republican establishment’s boy wonder, Perry, is in a nose dive. Might the Republicans be looking for another neo-progressive RINO to fill the gap? If anyone out there believes Christie is a conservative, it’s time to snap out of our delusional dream and let the facts speak loud and clear. Chris Christie barks a good game, but the fact is that dog doesn’t bite.
New Jersey politics then and now

Chris Christie holds a town hall meeting in Hillsborough, NJ, on March 2, 2011. Photo: Bob Jagendorf, CC BY 2.0 Generic License
Those who voted for Chris Christie in New Jersey had the choice of Christie or four more years of Corzine – a horrifying thought for fiscal and social conservatives alike.
In the People’s Republic of New Jersey, this year New Jersey’s corrupt court accepted an unconstitutional redistricting map . This map assured that any chance of a Republican majority in either house is a 100 to 1 shot. This makes Christie a lame duck Governor. As such, he has already set a policy of compromise that will weigh heavily against him when he is up for re-election. So why wait until 2013 to be dethroned? He may not be the worst ranking Governor New Jersey has ever had, but compared to prior Governors made up of establishment elites he ranks as number 1.
Who supports Chris Christie?
One should remember that the ultraliberal Republican Mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, praises Governor Christie. Bloomberg has said that Christie would be a good candidate and President. That endorsement alone should send shivers up and down the spine of every conservative American. Liberal endorsements don’t end with Mayor Bloomberg. The New York Post urged Christie to run, and late night talk show hosts keep his name before the public. It appears the pundits are brainwashing the American people to choose another establishment candidate, or another candidate whom the establishment can morph into what they want to believe.
Surprisingly, another of Chris Christie’s supporters and head cheerleader is Ann Coulter. Many have enjoyed Ann Coulter’s conservative commentaries and political wit. Few would ever question her intelligence, but concerning Governor Christie as a conservative candidate for President begs the question, has she been hanging around with Bill O’Reilly too long?
In the belly of the Trojan horse
So what can be in the belly of the Trojan Horse”? Perhaps it’s someone that will never survive the scrutiny of real conservatives, who are concerned about issues like gun control, radical Islam, illegal immigration, or tax reform.
After confronting Chris Christie prior to his election regarding the Second Amendment, your humble reporter quickly recognized that he didn’t have any idea about firearms or the purpose of the Second Amendment. He didn’t know what an assault weapon is or how it functions. The Governor was and still is an enthusiastic supporter of Bill Clinton’s assault weapons ban. So if you’re in favor of gun control, then Governor Christie is your man.
Turning to the Governor’s stand concerning radical Islam, he supports the ground zero Mosque. His nomination for a Muslim from Patterson, New Jersey for Superior Court Judge is a lawyer with dubious ties to radical Islam. Not all Muslims are extremists—but this same Muslim community came out in the streets cheering when the Twin Towers collapsed. It is most likely that Chris Christie’s choice pleased Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder but it did not please a multitude of citizens in New Jersey.
Let’s look at illegal immigration, which is draining the treasury astronomically in New Jersey. Similar to Governor Perry, who grants instate tuition to illegals, our man Christie supports amnesty for illegals and stated he doesn’t believe illegals are here illegally – whatever that means. Perhaps he believes that the Garden State’s fertile soil somehow grows illegals – or “undocumented workers,” as Senator Menendez prefers to call them.
How did he win over conservatives?
So just what did Chris Christie do to enamor him with the Conservatives in the rest of the country? Those of us who live in New Jersey want to know?
True, he did put a 2% cap on property taxes, which cut back funds to the suburbs causing almost every municipality to increase taxes far above his 2% cap. Thank you, Governor Christie.
What about all the tax cuts he promised when he was on the campaign trail? During his short tenure as Governor, the state budget has increased including the size of his staff. Apparently reducing the size of government wasn’t part of his plan, but he will scream that it’s the teachers fault. That plays well to the public and makes him look like he’s actually doing something. While he has attacked the teachers, he has not addressed overloaded administration costs or the rampant corruption that sends absurd amounts of tax payer dollars to underperforming Abbott Districts.
Perhaps it is the Governor’s environmental policies that make this Republican look more like a Democrat every day of the week. New Jersey’s Don Quixote Governor found it appropriate to expend state funds on “green technology’ to subsidize off-shore windmills. This was tried in Spain in 2009 by King Juan Carlos. Studies done in Madrid determined that every green job that was created eliminated no less than 2.2 jobs in other industries.
If anyone has doubts about Governor Christie’s leanings, they should look at the candidates he has supported in the 2010 election and those in his cabinet. After which, it would be hard for a rational person to argue that the Governor is a conservative.
In conclusion, it is noteworthy to mention that Governor Chris Christie left in place liberal Governor Corzine’s State Attorney General. He also refused to join the Complaint against the unconstitutional health care reform bill. He also did not support the Petition presented by the People of the State of New Jersey (Purpura v. Sebelius). This is the most comprehensive Complaint submitted in the Country. It is now before the Third Circuit Court of Appeals.
His arrogance knows no bounds. He ignored a formal letter sent by the NJ Tea Party Caucus Judicial Reform Committee regarding New Jersey’s Supreme Court unconstitutional judicial fiat ruling. The ruling cost the taxpayer of the state to pay $500,000,000.00 to failing school districts without subject-matter jurisdiction. Christie protested the ruling, and said that it violated the legislative intent of the statutes. But he complied none-the-less. He took a harder line with the teachers than New Jersey’s third branch of government, which he as the state’s Executive should check and balance.
Many admire Christie’s gravitas. But when one analyzes his record, one sees that his gravitas has its roots, not in conservative values but in a unique blend of “conserberal” that Christie has invented for his own purposes.
Featured image: Chris Christie as United States Attorney. Photo: US Department of Justice
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Those Republican operatives who support Christie as a viable candidate, view him with their larger than life myopic lenses.
I don’t doubt in the least that Christie would make a huge splash if he entered the race. No doubt, his political impact would be felt from coast to coast. However, he is not the one to whom Conservatives could fully support, as some of his past political decisions have been liberally ladened and too top heavy………
If Christie were to enter, all the hoopla would last about 10 days just as it did for Perry. Then it would sink like a brick just like it did for Perry. I think the RINO Party is confused as to what the Tea Party conservatives really want and just thought out the test strips to see what color it might turn. Unfortunately for them the color turns to black & blue like a bad toenail fungus.
I saw a new poll “I think it was on Red State”. Palin wins with 51% or 52% of the vote. I’m still waiting to see what she does, other wise if necessary I’ll write in Ron Paul. If the Republican Party insists on the same ole nonsense I say let Obama have at it. With enough crises, then maybe the general population will finally wake up and beg for a constitutional government.
Sometimes the medicine that’s best for you tastes the worst. In the words of Captain Picard “We make to many compromises already. They invade our space and we fall back. The line must be drawn here.”
[…] count on no support from Tea Party activists in New Jersey. One activist (and CNAV contributor) wrote over the weekend that Christie was not a genuine conservative, but a “Trojan horse.” Part of […]
[…] Is Chris Christie a Trojan horse? […]
You wrote:
“[Christie} also did not support the Petition presented by the People of the State of New Jersey (Purpura v. Sebelius). This is the most comprehensive Complaint submitted in the Country. It is now before the Third Circuit Court of Appeals.”
As of September 29, 2011, the case you filed before the 3rd Circuit was decided, so it was no longer “now before the Third Circuit Court of Appeals.”
Are you filing a motion for rehearing or rehearing en banc? Or going directly to the Supreme Court?
The plaintiffs are now deciding exactly what to do.
[…] my previous article (Is Gov. Christie A Trojan Horse?) I suggested that Governor Rick Perry (R-TX), on his visit to New Jersey, whispered in […]
[…] 28, 2011) —In my previous article (Is Gov. Christie A Trojan Horse?) I suggested that Governor Rick Perry (R-TX), on his visit to New Jersey, whispered in […]
[…] this year’s presidential race, she came out for Chris Christie. Nevermind that Christie has appointed a Muslim radical to the New Jersey Superior Court, or that he is the one Republican governor who didn’t sign onto […]
[…] this year’s presidential race, she came out for Chris Christie. Nevermind that Christie has appointed a Muslim radical to the New Jersey Superior Court, or that he is the one Republican governor who didn’t sign onto […]
[…] this year’s presidential race, she came out for Chris Christie. Nevermind that Christie has appointed a Muslim radical to the New Jersey Superior Court, or that he is the one Republican governor who didn’t sign onto […]
[…] Republican party has a history of electing RINO’ s, turncoats, and jellyfish with little to offer beyond fund-raising potential and deference to […]