Guest Columns
Chris Christie—or the Dream Team
The Republican establishment hope to promote Chris Christie for Vice-President. We, the People, have better ideas than that.
The ambitions of Chris Christie
In my previous article (Is Gov. Christie A Trojan Horse?) I suggested that Governor Rick Perry (R-TX), on his visit to New Jersey, whispered in Christie’s ear about his becoming VP. Thereafter, the Republican cheerleaders touted Christie’s name as the perfect candidate for President. Strategy and timing is everything. Chris Christie played out his part, crying “I’m not ready, well for now, that is for President.” But Vice-President does bring a tingle of excitement, doesn’t it? (And every promise he made about staying in New Jersey to “finish the job” will be out the window.) What better training for a future Presidential candidate. Oh God help us!
New Jersey may have a Republican Governor, but make no mistake, the Democrats are in charge, and run Trenton. Chris Christie was a lame duck from day one, and he knew it. The Governorship in New Jersey is a stopover for Blunderbuss on the move to national public office. That office could be VP or Attorney General. God help us if he’s ever appointed Attorney General. Good bye to the Second Amendment!
Chris Christie is not conservative
Before the establishment sells you on Blunderbuss being a conservative, beware! Or as Thomas Jefferson might have said, look at the facts. He shot blanks concerning the illegal redistricting map that violates the statutes, and thus assured that Democrats would keep control of the legislature. He let a liberal Democrat Attorney General appointed by Corzine stay in office. He accepts a liberal judiciary legislating from the bench. He has supported the who’s who of liberal New Jersey. He has failed to campaign publicly for conservative candidates. Shall I go on? Why not; one more.
Remember when free speech was a constitutional right? Well Blunderbuss on CNN expressed his view that “homosexuality” is not a sin. I have no problem with his belief, but I certainly have a problem with what he said next. Chris Christie actually said, publicly, that he found it “disturbing” that New Jersey high school special education teacher Viki Knox posted on her Facebook that she believed homosexuality was a sin and described it as perverted. Since when is free speech “disturbing”? Should Americans accept only progressive opinions? America doesn’t need any more PC advocates in any public office. We need constitutionalists!
And, if any across the fruited plains believes Chris Christie cut the budget in New Jersey, someone is blowing smoke where the sun doesn’t shine. Did you also know Blunderbuss is another wacko environmentalist? He uses taxpayer monies for windmills. God forbid that he support nuclear, drilling or gas exploration. Why drill when you can watch his windmill turn in the breeze? Would you believe this guy has pawned himself off as a conservative, following his endorsement of flip flop Romney, while becoming the frontrunner for the slot of VP. Hmm. Oh, did I forget to mention his take on illegal aliens? Oh he has no take. Never mind the cost to the taxpayers of New Jersey. Why, we hold the record on the highest taxes in the country. That makes him no better than Romney.
The good ole’ boy establishment, not wanting to lose momentum, are hedging their bet. They are playing up the “Trojan Horse” Chris Christie for VP. Perry and Romney are both the same to the good ole’ boy, large government, taxes and bureaucracies establishment.
Chris Christie for Vice-President?
I haven’t enough print space to go into pretty boy, flip flop Romney in this article. But I will in coming articles. Beware the establishment elite’s arrogance as they orchestrate and manipulate who will be on the ticket. They believe the rank and file sheep have no choice but to follow, even to accepting two RINOs, Romney and Christie. They’re betting most Americans won’t accept another term with Obama in office, and therefore Americans have no other choice but to accept their choice. Like the Marxists Democrats they still haven’t learned that the status quo is no longer acceptable. There is an alternative.
The Dream Team
At this time only one ticket makes sense and would serve the American people. The American public can look upon these two exceptional men with respect. They show what a free and capitalist society can offer. And their names? Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich.
- Herman Cain as president brings to a ticket understanding and real business experience exemplifying the American dream.
- The second half of the ticket, Newt Gingrich, brings legislative knowledge needed to leverage legislation. Along with a keen knowledge of history, Mr. Gingrich knows that history often repeats itself, when people ignore the errors of the past, including his own.
The pundits will tell you, “Herman Cain lacks governmental experience.” And what does that have to do with the price of rice? Did Obama have experience? Did most of the 535-reprobates in Congress who brought the United States to the dire straits we are now in? These self-serving goons have brought the most productive nation in the world to ruin. Venezuela, where Progressives crashed its free-market system, is where we’re headed. Or maybe Argentina, a country that once rivaled the United States in the 1900s but is now a failed socialist state.
Common sense tells you these are the most inept bunch ever to represent the American people in history. Mr. Gingrich knows the ins and outs of the legislature. Mr. Cain’s knowledge of business from the ground floor up would be a breath of fresh air prayerfully keeping these idiots in line.
Yes, I know: Gingrich has some baggage. Can you name anyone who doesn’t? In any event, can anyone suggest that Gingrich would not surely abide by the Constitution? Does anyone believe Mr. Gingrich would put up with all this political correctness that has aided and abetted the changing the landscape of the United States, and relegated us to a third world nation. I think not.
Some good Cabinet picks
Also on the stage, attempting to garner the nomination, is Ron Paul. Would not such a knowledgeable man make a great Secretary of the Treasury? Herman, are you listening?
There are so many Americans that should head key positions. To irk the establishment even more, why not name Momma Grizzly Palin as Secretary of Interior? Yeah, you got it: drill baby drill, become energy independent and an exporter of oil, gas, shale, and coal. What deficit? America will again see a surplus. We have more reserves that all the camel jockeys combined, and a knowledgeable work force to deliver it! You want employment, you’re looking at no less than 12-15-million jobs, almost immediately. Herman are you listening.
America needs change, not the socialism, communism, fascism, but more “Patriotism”. No longer can we accept the changes America has experienced since Roosevelt, Johnson, the Bush[s], Clinton and now with the current Marxist holding office.
Featured image: Nick Purpura. Photo: self.
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Do you realize that this “dream ticket” could not constitutionally serve? Anyone with a basic knowledge of constitutional law would know that the electoral college can’t cast votes for two people residing in the same state, as Cain and Gingrich do (and neither could make a convincing case for registering as a voter in another state, like Cheney did, without it seeming explicitly political).
Actually, there’s a way around that. The Georgia Electoral College delegation would have to vote for a different VP candidate. (Or they might split into two portions, half of them voting for a different VP candidate, and the other half voting for a different Presidential candidate, and it wouldn’t matter whom.) But every EC member from a State other than Georgia could quite legally vote for two candidates who both live in Georgia.
Then there’s the risk of Cain not receiving 270 eectoral votes while Gingrich does; then we have a real crisis on our hands. Would you be willing to take the risk of a Gingrich/Biden White House should the Senate stay Democratic and vote for Biden in case it comes to that?
Can you block out a distribution of State EC delegations that would split down the middle and throw the Veep election to the Senate? I’m not even sure that’s possible anymore.
The ticket cannot possibly get elected if both are from the same state when the ballot is printed. There are 538 electoral votes, of which 270 are needed to have a majority. They cannot both gain 270 because they are the same state. This is basic constitutional law and I’m ashamed you didn’t even think this through before you published this article.
Your argument assumes that the election would be close enough so that neither major Vice-Presidential candidate would win 270 votes cast by electors fro states other than Georgia. That would be an extraordinary coincidence.
Your argument further assumes that the presently constituted Senate would choose the Vice-President. This is not correct. The Senate, as constituted on the day that the sitting Vice-President opens the ballots, would choose the Vice-President in the event of a non-majority of electoral votes. And that would be the new Senate, not the old.
And I wonder whether your argument assumes that the rule is that “electors shall cast one vote each for President and Vice-President, neither of whom shall be from the same State as the other.” This is not correct. The restriction reads: “at least one of whom shall be from a different State from themselves.” That would apply to the Georgia delegation only.
Whether or not there is a constitutional problem may depend on how the state ballot is written.
If the ballot is written so one votes both president and vice-president as a single ticket, that would put the Georgia electors in a bind as they would not be able to vote for both candidates due to the constitutional restriction.
So far as I know, most states do it this way.
In which case Mr. Cain would have to run with a different running mate in Georgia, but not in the other 49 States.
Contrary to what Terry thinks of my politics, I actually find that ticket potentially attractive…. pending further information as the campaign develops.
Certainly a lot better than Obama, Hillary, Bachman, Palin, or (almost) any of the other alternatives now running.
Well, your expressed attitude is certainly contrary to my expectations, or to any reasonable construction on your prior remarks. You’re obviously smarter, on a purely pragmatic level, than you have previously led me to believe.
I posit that the author of this article does not know enough about the candidates to write an article on them in a responsible fashion. As evidence to support my position I cite the fact that the writer suggested that Cain make Paul his treasury secretary. I don’t think I need to explain why this is an impossible suggestion.
That’s a matter of opinion. Perhaps Mr. Cain would think otherwise.
Mr. Cain who talks at length about how much he disagrees with Ron Paul on matters of tressury? Mr. Cain who called Ron Paul’s supporters “crazy” for questioning his long time role in The Fed? Mr. Cain whose strongest connection to the world of monetary policy was that time spent in The Fed, an institution that Dr. Paul has been out to destroy for his whole carrier?
It is a matter of opinion, and it was Mr. Cain’s opinion on the matter that I was taking into account, one that both you and the author of this piece seem to be out of touch with.
You wrote “He [Christie] let a liberal Democrat Attorney General appointed by Corzine stay in office.” You are wrong.
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I hate to say it, but Governor Corzine did not put in Paula Dow in as Attorney General. Christie won the election in November, and nominated the Democrat Paula Dow before he even took office. Read how the former republican governor Tom Kean’s son thought of CHRISTIE’s first pick for a Cabinet-level appointment . . .
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The Republican party in NJ does not try to be conservative, they think that would lose them elections. The sad thing is, they actually go out against the more conservative candidates in the Republican party.
So if Christie put in a Democrat in his cabinet (I wish it was just one, but he put in more); what does that say for Christie’s endorsement of Mitt Romney?