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Birthers, Wimps, Obots and Constitutional Criminals



The Obama birth certificate. Why is this still accepted as valid? The Birther movement still matters, for the precedent.

In a world where success is demonized and government entitlements are celebrated, it shouldn’t be any surprise that citizens wanting to uphold the Constitution are ridiculed. These are the “birthers” of current political lore. But the worst offenders against them are not whom you think.


The “birthers” hold Obama’s feet to the fire regarding the Constitution’s eligibility requirement for presidents. They shouldn’t be demeaned; they should be honored. These people aren’t kooks promoting some absurd conspiracy theory. They are patriots who value the rule of law. On top of which, they have proved they have the backbone to stand against the ridicule and pursue what is right.


The Obama birth certificate. The birthers know something is wrong with it.

Obama’s long-form birth certificate, as released by the White House. This is not evidence. Obama’s own lawyers admitted that it is not evidence. Screen capture by CNAV from White House image.

Of course there are others who hold similar beliefs. But they cower in the face of ridicule and let the Obot bullies silence their concerns. I’ll call them wimps, but they are worse. They are cowards and yellowbellies. They lack the backbone the birthers have. These wimps know the birthers are right but they run into a corner and cower instead of standing up for what they know are valid arguments.


Then we have the Obots. The Obots are those who accuse everyone who criticizes the man now occupying the White House as racists. The fact of the matter may be that they are the biggest racists of all – there I said it! They refuse to see – or even consider the truth – based on Obama’s skin color. They have made him a hero and nothing anyone says or does, no amount of proof, no argument – no matter how well-founded or logical – will open their minds. He’s their hero and their hero worship is reminiscent of those yelling “Heil Hitler”. And like the German people who were mesmerized by this madman, they also march lockstep while the stench of BO permeates everything noble this country embraces. In Germany, Hitler could do no wrong. In America, neither can Obama. The frightening thing is that most of the media march lockstep with the Obots.

Constitutional criminals

Lastly we have the Constitutional Criminals. They are our judges who have bowed down at the altar of the Obots. Who knows why! Perhaps they are Obots themselves, or perhaps they’re nothing more than wimps. The fact of the matter is that they have refused to honestly consider the challenges to Obama’s eligibility regardless of what category they fall into. Before anyone comments that this is nothing more than “sour grapes” due to failed court challenges, let me say that in New Jersey the Constitutional Criminals agreed with the argument that even Mickey Mouse could be on the ballot. Although our Constitution clearly sets standards for eligibility, these Constitutional Criminals in black robes refused to see the evidence that would have kept Obama off the ballot. Yes, they may be wimps or they may be Obots, no matter, they are Constitutional Criminals of the worse kind. Those who have sworn and oath to preserve, protect and uphold our Constitution are the very ones who have disregarded it and made it inconsequential. “Constitutional Criminals” may be too civilized a label for these tyrants in black robes – “Traitor” may be a more apt  term.

Birther, Wimp, Obot or Constitutional Criminal (a/k/a Traitor), what are you?

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RoseAnn Salanitri is a published author and Acquisition Editor for the New Jersey Family Policy Council. She is a community activist who has founded the Sussex County Tea Party in her home state and launched a recall movement against Senator Robert Menendez. RoseAnn is also the founder of Veritas Christian Academy, as well as co-founder of Creation Science Alive, and a national creation science speaker.

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Nathan Bickel

Roseann –

Nice how you categorize the various groups, vis-a-vis Obama’s unconstitutional presidency.

It has now been confirmed that the Executive Branch of our US government is occupied by a man who engineered a fraudulent birth certificate to assist himself in legitimizing his qualifications for the office. Yet, no one but birthers, are offended that this egregious crime against our Constitutional Republic isn’t highlighted far and wide by the news media and is widely accepted by the elected political leaders who are sworn to protect the very Constitution which is being violated……….


So, to summarise, anyone who doesn’t agree with your fringe views is dishonest or stupid or both. And you, as a Birther, apparently respect the rule of law, where they don’t.

Of course another view might be that you are the one who has little or no respect for the rule of law. Your lack of respect for the determinations of properly constituted courts speaks volumes on that account.

But instead of accepting those (multiple) decisions you call the judges traitors. Do you see any contradiction in your position?


Oh dear, oh dear. It’s not me cheering for a particular result. It’s you.

All I am cheering for is the rule of law.

You, on the other hand, refuse to accept the rulings of properly constituted courts because you didn’t get the result you wanted.

I don’t actually care which way the courts rule. In fact I would find it quite interesting if they ruled your President ineligible. It would make for an interesting legal position.

But you don’t care a jot for the rule of law. You just want your own way. If the courts interpret the constitution in a particular way then that is what the constitution actually means. That is the job of the courts – to tell us what the constitution actually means. Your views are no doubt interesting but, where they disagree with the courts, your views are wrong as a matter of law.

The fact that you make an appeal to the rule of law is an irony that you clearly fail to understand.


And by that comment you reinforce the point:

“You, on the other hand, refuse to accept the rulings of properly constituted courts because you didn’t get the result you wanted.”

Name one freedom you don’t have today, that you had the day before Obama was sworn in.

Give when example where the Constitutional court has struck down something the President has done.

Give one example where the legal system has declared Obama ineligible.

You can’t. And yet you blather on. That is why you come across as a bitter, old, crazy man.

With no soul, because it’s more important for you to bitch about the black man in the White House, than to feel remorse for the victims of a shooting.


Obama’s policies would never be accepted as serious policy positions within any self-respecting Communist party, and certainly don’t appear in the works of Marx and Engels – so we can cut the hysteria that Obama is some kind of red hiding under your bed.

Whilst his policies are regarded by many ideological Communists as “better than the Republicans”, it is seen as the old Giant Douche vs. Turd Sandwich dilemma, i.e. choosing between two options which are equally repulsive.

Ideological Communists regard ensuring grater access to healthcare to the poor by extending medicaid as a tentative step in the right direction, but absolutely oppose the involvement of the private sector in healthcare, and especially any legislation which generates customers for them by not including a public option that is available to anyone.

Furthermore, the granting of stimulus money to finance capital at the expense of manufacturing and infrastructure is likewise seen as reprehensible, and is in fact seen as the exact opposite of the ideological objective of the communist movement.


You are obviously going to vote for Romney (unless he’s indicted for tax evasion).

How do you equate that vote with the fact that he’s just as big as Marxist as Obama, for introducing Romneycare… and before you start, it’s also socialised medicine.

For that matter, how you feel about voting for a tax dodger? And somebody who shipped US jobs offshore?

Or will you deny those happened?


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