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Mitt Romney will not take off the gloves



Mitt Romney. Will Hurricane Sandy give him New Jersey, though he didn't even campaign here?

If you know what most of us who have paid attention during the last 4 years know, tonight’s debate between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama will be an unmitigated exercise in frustration.

Don’t expect Mitt Romney to provoke any surprise reaction like,

Oh, my! Did Romney just say that?

It will not happen.

Why Mitt Romney will not call out Barack Obama

Mitt Romney, the GOP nominee for 2012

Former Governor Mitt Romney at a townhall in Sun Lakes, Arizona. Photo: Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0 Generic License

Mitt Romney has worked relentlessly for this chance to be President, at least since the night the National GOP told him to exit the 2008 Primary campaign.

Day and night, speech after speech, he has watched every word and every phrase he has uttered. Not because they needed parsing to hide his true intent, such as what we hear from Obama every day. But because any misspeak or wrong pronunciation will result in the end of his campaign. The propaganda wing of the Democratic Party, better known as the main stream media, will land on him with all they have. Almost 8 years of work will wash away in seconds.

This is the reality of being a Conservative or Republican politician in America, more so today than ever in our past. America needs Mitt Romney. We can now only hope and pray that his strategy will pay off and enough people will understand the peril we face if Obama is reelected.


Because even though this campaign is his to win or lose, if he is wrong, it is our country that will be lost.

As you are throwing things at your screen, pulling out your hair and wondering why Mitt is not calling Obama out on his lies, his Marxist beliefs, his hiring of Communists and terrorists and a hundred other things the American people may not know about, relax, he will not do it.

In the mean time, take a few minutes and read Sher Zieve’s commentary on American Prophet. You will not hear any of this at tonight’s debate.

Reprinted from Tea Party Advocate Tracking Hub.


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