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Racial Issues

Obama and the race card



Obama, hypocrite in chief at the National Prayer Breakfast, and orchestrator of a bodyguard of lies

The presidential debates last night overshadowed the release of Mr. Obama’s speech in New Orleans. Speaking in an unnatural and patronizing cadence, the Liar in Chief did what he does best – he lied. He lied about the government’s lifeline to New Orleans and he lied to ingratiate himself with the Black ministers in attendance. Mitt Romney can present evidence of his ability to unite. Mr. Obama has a history of polarization.

Obama is not one of them

Barack Obama. Playing the race card for his own advantage.

Barack H. Obama. Photo: Pete Souza, January 13, 2009

What puzzles me the most is that the man now occupying the White House has successfully been able to use the plight of Black Americans to his advantage. Their heritage in this nation has been less than ideal. The slaves were brought here against their own will and suffered unimaginable horrors and degradation at the hands of their slave masters. Slavery and abortion are, in my opinion, two scars that cut deep into the fabric of an otherwise noble history.

However, this history of oppression of Black Americans is not part of Mr. Obama’s heritage. His ancestry in America is from his white mother and her family. He is of mixed decent because of his father, who was Black, came here of his own free will. His Black father did not share in the history of slavery here in America. His father was born and raised in the British Protectorate of Kenya. There he was anything but noble. He didn’t share our history and neither does his son. So Obama’s constant patronization of the Blacks here in America is insulting and despicable. He plays upon the history of their hardship to further his own career. He has learned how to use their bitterness for his own gain and not for their benefit or the benefit of this country.

Obama could have been a healer

Perhaps no one on the political scene has ever had the opportunity to heal the racial divide in this country like the man now occupying the White House. Unfortunately, this opportunist has taken that opportunity and used it for his own political advantage. I grew up during the Civil Rights Era and I can’t remember such radical division as we have today – such hatred – such bitterness.

Shame on you, Mr. Obama. You could have been truly great but you settled for selfish ambition. You could have healed the scars of slavery but you chose to open them – and, you used the tragic history of those who falsely identified with you to do it. The slave masters may have been evil, but there are no words to adequately describe you, Mr. Obama. Shame on you, Mr. Obama, shame on you!


Obama videos appeal to racism



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RoseAnn Salanitri is a published author and Acquisition Editor for the New Jersey Family Policy Council. She is a community activist who has founded the Sussex County Tea Party in her home state and launched a recall movement against Senator Robert Menendez. RoseAnn is also the founder of Veritas Christian Academy, as well as co-founder of Creation Science Alive, and a national creation science speaker.

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