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Obama 2013 Inaugural Speech – The Violable Vision of the Un-vetted



Obama, hypocrite in chief at the National Prayer Breakfast, and orchestrator of a bodyguard of lies

Within hours of the inaugural speech by Barack Obama, varying opinions fell like a hard rain in the jungle.

The Liberal’s Opinion of Barack Obama

Chris Matthews wasted no time comparing Obama’s 2095 word speech to Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. Matthews did not say, as at other times, that he felt tingles go up his legs, but he was apparently satisfied that his icon-idol, made him proud.

The Conservative’s Opinion

GOP strategist Karl Rove was less than impressed and concluded that Obama’s aim was to make the Republicans “look extreme.” Inasmuch as wanting to see Americans go back to work, save their homes and see the government spending come to a screeching halt, we are all extremists in the wake of Obama’s first four years of actions – all of his speeches notwithstanding.

Newt Gingrich split Obama’s speech into two sections. He said about 80 percent was fair while 20 percent of the speech was pure “Goofy Left-Wingism.” Gingrich also declared that Obama’s section on climate change is total nonsense. Gingrich said in a Newsmax report Jan 21, 2013,

The great energy revolution we’re living through is called “oil and gas.”

Like Gingrich, most of us will have to bear with being numbered among the anti-sunshine, Don Quixote windmill attacking pragmatists’ that believe until an alternate form of energy is found, Newt is perfectly correct.


What would John Boehner’s Opinion Be?

Barack Obama’s chief antagonist, John Boehner did not make his opinion of the president’s speech known, but it is clear that Michelle Obama made her opinion of Boehner publicly known, as she sat at the inaugural luncheon in Washington on Monday January 21, 2013.

She avoided eye contact with Boehner, but when he did try to speak to her she turned her head and rolled her eyes twice. Let’s see, could Barack’s mention of ‘name calling’ in his inaugural address include obvious disgusted facial expressions and body language? In keeping with Obama’s campaign slogan ‘forward’ the hypocrisy also flows on.

The Crowd’s Opinion

Barack Obama, driving off the fiscal cliff deliberately

Barack H. Obama. Photo: Pete Souza, January 13, 2009

The crowds attending (or not attending) the 2013 inaugural proceedings also gave a muted but sufficiently stated opinion about Barack Obama’s speech and his second term. Hotel registrations and charter bus activity along with general head counts put the attendance at 800,000. In 2009 the inaugural drew 1.8 million, which is more than a fifty percent drop for 2013. Even the liberals are growing tired of their action-less president. Speeches have run the gamut even for the staunchest of sycophants.

The ‘Great Divider’ raised the doubts of many speech wary Americans because attack politics, class warfare and a general divisiveness have been the hallmark of Obama’s presidency even without the name calling the president alluded to, and indirectly blamed those outside of his camp for engaging in.

The Gun Owner’s Opinion

It is the use of certain words and allusions to several trusted documents that received the harshest criticism. NRA VP Wayne LaPierre strongly objected to Obama’s use of the word ‘absolutism.’ Barack said,

We cannot mistake absolutism for principle.

LaPierre has countered Obama’s excursion into lame semantics by saying,


Obama wants to turn the idea of absolutism into a dirty word — just another word for extremism.

The Los Angeles Times reported that later LaPierre said, “Mr. President, you might think calling us absolutists is a clever way of name-calling without using names. But if that is absolutist, then we are as absolutist as our Founding Fathers and the framers of our United States Constitution. And we are proud of it.”

We may all wonder if Harvard educated Barack Obama skipped ‘Political Science 101’ and failed to learn that the few outstanding nations that abandoned the absolutism of their constitutions and laws for a new principle, ended up in that familiar list of wasted attempts now known as socialism, Marxism, communism, Nazi-ism and despotism.

The Investigators and Forensic Expert’s Opinion

In a classic movie produced by Mimosa Films, a tribe of Kalahari bushman finds a coke bottle that was thrown out of the window of a small aircraft. They don’t know whether to worship it or find a use for it in the daily business of the tribe. Being uncertain, the presence of the bottle soon creates fighting and division among the tribesmen who send out an emissary to try to return the bottle to where it came from. Not knowing where it came from creates even more difficulty and hardship for everyone.

We can no longer accept the main stream media and even Bill O’Reilly’s glib assertion that all the missing documentation for Barack Obama and alleged forged birth certificates and false social security numbers and selective service discrepancies are all just a matter of chance, misunderstanding and overzealous right wingers who can’t ever be satisfied.

Those that think Barack Obama just fell out of heaven without any plausible, reasonable or even see-able documentation are of the opinion that Barack Obama is a usurper who had no right to make his inaugural speech in the first place.


It has become increasingly harder day by day to accept the dismissal of those who are digging into these matters and glibly pass them all off as, ‘conspiracy theorists.’

Most Americans can’t get the hang of the Beltway’s filing system. We are told not to file, crony capitalism, the big Solyndra money dump, operation Fast and Furious and Benghazi, voter fraud and abuse of executive orders under ‘obfuscation and cover up.’

Then we are asked to file all the missing and allegedly forged documents under ‘perfectly honest, transparent and believable.’

Is the only alternative for being called a conspiracy theorist a chance to be listed with the greatest dumb clucks of all time?

Does anyone remember just how many times Richard Nixon denied having any involvement with the Watergate break in, before he resigned office in shame?


The Pro-lifer’s Opinion

Moving on to Mr. Obama’s citing of the Declaration of Independence to add veracity to his assertions is where every pro-lifer in the nation, does have a very strong opinion.

Mr. Obama said “What makes us exceptional – what makes us American – is our allegiance to an idea, articulated in a declaration made more than two centuries ago: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

He could not have included those tiniest of American citizens we now refer to as fetuses, whose right to life is thwarted long before any liberty or happiness can be pursued – that right, is denied to them at the rate of 4000 abortions per day. Most pro-lifers have long given up hoping for a basic morality to kick in for the president and are only wondering when a basic reality might be given a chance.

Mr. Obama has to dismount from his unicorn and look for the exit leading out of the land of candy canes and lollipops to discover that the words “all men” contained in the Declaration, would by his own much hyped standards of inclusivity, have to refer to the unborn as well.

For your homework tonight Mr. Obama, re-read the Declaration and this paragraph and ponder them for a while, then write a dissertation on the Declaration of Independence, containing no less than, and no more than, two important words, namely, ‘all men.’ Sign it as ‘Whoops’ and turn it in by tomorrow morning.


The Bible Believing Pastor’s and Minister’s Opinion

It is when the Christian pastors and others of the faith weigh in that the speech falls so far short that silence would have been more acceptable. To many, saying nothing would have been in keeping with Mr. Obama’s record of doing nothing. As it pertains to theology Mr. Obama has been consistent; he consistently gets it wrong.

Dr. Michael Brown said in an article published in Charisma Magazine Jan 22, 2013 entitled ‘My Response to Your Inaugural Speech, Mr. President,’

The president declared it. A pastor prayed it. And woe betide those who differ with this new reality announced at yesterday’s presidential inauguration: Gay is now an official social category as defined and tangible as black or white. Put another way, romantic attraction and sexual desire are now viewed as being as innate and immutable as skin color.

Dr. Brown concludes that it is not a little name calling that the liberals have had to endure, but it is the war that the faithful must now endure that Barack Obama is refusing to acknowledge. Brown declared,

The war is on against people of conscience and people of faith who do not affirm homosexual practice, no matter how loving and fair-minded they may be.

This Writer’s Opinion

For this writer the jaw dropping moment in the Obama inaugural speech was when he said “Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law – for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well.”

Nowhere in our Declaration or our Constitution is there any mention of loving all people equally. In the sense of everyone being a citizen of the earth we may love all mankind. All are created in the image of God, for the faithful that is enough to love the gay person, but it will never be enough to make us love their behavior.


Obama’s flight of fancy into the realms of theology falls apart at the seams when he declares that gays are brothers and sisters to believers in the gospel who stand on the entirety of scripture, both Old and New Testament.

We cannot even claim to be part of the brotherhood of believers apart from a rebirth.

But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. (Jn 1: 12)

Why doesn’t it occur to Obama, gays, and the rest of the theologically challenged liberals of the day, that if there are children of God welcomed into a brotherhood based on obedience to the revealed word of God – there must also be a brotherhood of those who refuse the word of God?

We have come out from that brotherhood, but we are not naïve to think it no longer exists.

Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience. (Eph 2: 2)

Christ went so far as to say that we and the disobedient have completely different fathers. (Jn 8: 44) The result is that real fellowship, brotherhood and general intermingling is prohibited on a completely spiritual basis, always separate and apart from law, Declaration or Constitution. It is that part of our faith that even the Constitution says the government, the president and no one else has the right to infringe upon, for any reason, real or contrived.


The first amendment says it and so do our Bibles. To wit:

Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of devils. (1 Co 10: 21)

We are not all in the same brotherhood and will never be, throughout time and eternity.

American has since 2005 featured the articles and reports of journalist Rev Michael Bresciani along with news and reviews that have earned this site the title of The Website for Insight. Millions have read his timely reports and articles in online journals and print publications across the nation and the globe. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook.


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