Republican one-party rule?

The Republican Party bids fair to gain the largest majority it has ever had in the House of Representatives. Indeed Commentator Dick Morris projects a flip of eighty seats from Democrat to Republican. He told this to John Catsimatidis back in November of 2021, and Dr. Steve Turley picked it up three weeks ago.
Add to it the defeat of the Democrats’ so-called “Voting Rights Acts.” Now people are actually predicting that the Republicans will establish one-party rule, like what prevails in mainland China! They then ask sarcastically whether “politicians will respect you when you can’t vote them out of office.” As usual, such people describe a problem that does not exist.
Republicans aren’t paving the way for one-Party rule
In point of fact, Republicans are not setting things in motion for one-Party rule. They haven’t the gonadal fortitude to take advantage of the power they have. If they had, they would never have permitted the manipulation of the Election of 2020. As as result we’d still have President Trump.
But some people are paving the way for one-Party rule. Those people are the leadership, and to a lesser degree the rank and file, of the Democratic Party.
Your editor repeats what he has said before today. Try having a civilized conversation with any left-wing person whom you call friend, relative or associate. You can’t. They have accepted the same conditioning for which Ivan Pavlov (and later, B. F. Skinner) developed the techniques.
And when they do that, they behave in a ham-handed and self-destructive fashion. They don’t seek to persuade, but to browbeat. Calling you “racist” is certainly part of the program. Recall also that “racist” and “white” become identical to such people – along with other telling identities.
Come on, people, get with The Program!
Furthermore, have a look at the program of the Democratic Party. It has its basis in:
- Kleptomania.
- The Tall Poppy Syndrome, going clear back to Tarquin the Proud of Rome,
- An opposite problem of sacrificing merit to “diversity,”
- Excusal of crime,
- Conditioning of children to submit to surgical mutilation and hormonal poisoning,
- Mass murder,
- Institution of a command economy, and
- Treason against the United States, for the purpose of establishing Points One through Seven worldwide.
The people are resisting and indeed counterattacking. Knowing this, the Democratic Party tried to codify and institutionalize certain sharp practices they used to manipulate the Election of 2020. As an Officer of Election I know what those methods are. I have sworn an oath to stop them to the limit of my authority and power. And I am heartily glad that this effort to “codify the Steal” has failed.
And how dare leftists talk to me about respect! It’s a blasphemous fact that very few politicians accorded the people an ounce of respect, until Donald Trump came along. He showed enough people how it is done. That’s why so many of us became Officers of Election, to defeat the Steal. The State of Virginia, the original testing ground for the Steal, now is the testing ground for patriots taking back the administration of elections from:
- Little Old Ladies in Tennis Shoes, and
- Left-wing activists disguised as election officers.
Ask Governor Youngkin how that works out.
Democrats cry Dictatorship already
Indeed, Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin has shown far greater gonadal fortitude than he himself gave anyone a right to expect. Now his detractors are already making Godwin’s Law style comparisons. CNN’s Jim Acosta actually accused Youngkin of turning Virginia into “a Soviet-style police state.” Why? For declaring that Critical Race Theory will never again have a place in K-12 classroom instruction in Virginia.
Let’s talk about who really wants a Soviet-style police state. Let’s talk about Robert Reich-h-h-h-h. Soon after an attempt to change the Senate’s rules failed, Mr. Reich tweeted this:
Tonight, Republican senators (sic) lined up to shake Kyrsten Sinema‘s hand. Democratic senators should have given her the backs of their hands.
He thought better of letting that stand on record, and deleted it. But he had already ruined himself. But more remarkable than that episode, is what Mr. Reich thinks of American prosperity. He refers to “the tyranny of stuff.” That’s because, in his ideal society, no one would have any “stuff” at all.
The Republican Party does not stand for dictatorship, but against it.Democrats want to be dictators.The behavior of this administration, whether you think 81 million people “were that stupid” or not, proves this. As it has proved it to enough people to bring about a realignment that will make 1994 look tame.
Will a Republican majority realize its power?
In fact, few Republican leaders even understand what power they might have. Even Newt Gingrich either doesn’t believe in the 80 seat flip, or hasn’t done the math. Otherwise, instead of demanding mere censure of “January 6 Committee” menbers, he would be calling for their expulsion.
Let the reader do a simple back-of-the-envelope calculation. Today the House of Representatives has 222 Democratic and 212 Republican members, with one vacancy. Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif.-22, resigned to take command of the Trump Media and Technology Group. A special election will take place on 7 June 2022 to fill the slot.
We can safely assume that another Republican will fill the slot immediately. Now assume that Dick Morris is correct about an eighty-seat flip. That would subtract eighty seats from the Democratic Party and give eighty seats to the Republican. After that, the Republican Party would have 293 seats to the Democrats’ 142.
Do the math, folks. The House Republican Conference would then have more than two thirds of the full membership. And that means:
Each House may … with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.Article I, Section 5, Clause 2
If the Republican Party had the gonadal fortitude of the Democrats, this new majority would move at once to expel every remaining Democratic member except perhaps for Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii). The grounds: violation of the Constitution and their oath to support it.
But they haven’t. Newt Gingrich wouldn’t even mention it.
Would Republican one-party status even last?
Nor do I suppose that, if the Republican Party did gain one-party ascendancy, that state of affairs would last forever. Two years into the James Monroe administration, the Federalists gave up their last gasp, and what was described as an “Era of Good Feelings” dominated American politics. That lasted for two years – at which time the party known to history as the “Democrat-Republican Party” split into the modern Democrats and the “National Republicans,” or “Whigs.” Then with the Election of Abraham Lincoln, the Whigs died and the modern Republican Party took their place.
What will replace the Democratic Party? That we cannot know. Perhaps the Libertarian Party will take their place. They at least will provide some honest and good-hearted opposition, and not the conspiracy-to-commit-fraud we have had from the Democrats for at least the last sixty years.
Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.
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