Blood! Brutal response to Freedom Convoy

The Freedom Convoy 2022 protest in Ottawa, Canada appears to be ending in blood.
Police draw first blood
The most reliable reports come from The Daily Wire, together with multiple tweets. At the time of this writing, the tweets are up. If, in future, you see only the text of a tweet, you know that Twitter staff feel embarrassed on behalf of the Ottawa Police Force and have taken them down.
Earlier in the week, the Ottawa Police Force had a change of command. The police chief at the time, Peter Sloly, resigned (maybe on orders). He had wanted to end matters peaceably. To that end he demanded more support when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act and said he wanted to end the protest now. That day. That instant. Trudeau refused to give any more support, so Sloly resigned.
His successor escalated matters by using tear gas and pepper spray. He then seems to have lost all patience, and sent in police on horseback.
And those horsemen drew blood. The horses trampled at least one, possibly two, pedestrians under their hooves. The one pedestrian, or one of the two, was using a walker – a “mobility scooter.”
An unconfirmed report, that appeared as a fleeting YouTube recommended video title, said that the woman with the walker died at the scene. That report did not pan out, and sympathetic influencers report that she survives. A search of the YouTube site for any video claiming a “trampled to death” casualty turned up empty.
Evidence from the scene
CNAV has multiple tweets and some video footage. First the Ottawa Police Department reported arresting 70 people and towing 21 vehicles.
Then sending in the horses.
(“Assaultive behavior”? That’s a lie, by all accounts.)
Twitter user Ian Miles Cheong took pictures.
And shot video.
YouTube influencer “ClydeDoSomething” has this compilation.
One disgusted military veteran removed his medals on the strength of it.
The Ottawa Police denied any shedding of blood. But they made the absurd claim that someone threw a bicycle at a horse and spooked it.
Twitter user Ezra Levant denounced that statement as a lie.
So did Ian Miles Cheong, who took close-up video:
While also denying that he has said the woman died.
(Discussion thus far on Twitter says that, as far as anyone knows, the woman survives at this time.)
Candice Bergen, Member of Parliament, said this:
Another user reiterated: the Ottawa Police Force definitely drew first blood.
Jack Posobiec called on Trudeau to resign.
Commentator Benny Johnson confidently predicted that Trudeau will resign.
This incident has sparked international outrage.
Once again: CNAV defies Twitter to take down these tweets. The text will remain.
Moving forward
While this is happening, plans move forward for 1,000 truckers to drive from Barstow, California to Washington, D.C. Flamboyant personality Ted Nugent announced that he would joint it en route.
Wayne Dupree made that report – before the Ottawa Police Force drew blood to deal with the Canadian convoy. So when he says, “I am not sure how this will play out,” he has even less reason to be sure. On one hand, Dupree predicted that President Biden would reverse himself and cancel all mandates before any American People’s Convoy rolls out. But on the other hand, Justin Trudeau has gone full Communist and dealt with matters in Communist fashion. The Prague Spring (1968), Tiananmen Square, the Solidarity protests in Gdansk, Krakow, and other Polish cities, all remind us of how things have gone in the past. No one could have predicted with full confidence that things would come to such a pass in a Western country. But come to this pass they have.
Usually, once the police in a nominally democratic society have blood on their hands, the collapse of the regime follows. But Justin Trudeau apparently learned from two dictatorial fathers:
- Nominal father Pierre, and
- Rumored actual father Fidel Castro.
Now we shall see whether an American nominal President took the same bloody lessons.
Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.
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[…] are other courageous people in Canada of course. People such as the nameless old lady who was ridden down by mounted officers while she was disabled and in her electric wheelchair. That much is clear on video as is the […]
[…] readers will note that her story begins here. Rumble has video of the trampling as it […]