Freedom Convoy 2022: a defense

The latest from Ottawa, Canada, is, of course, the bloody suppression of the Freedom Convoy. But CNAV will not let go the deliberate effort by legacy media to distort these events. They use words like “siege” and “occupation” to describe the protest. And the worst offenders, other than the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), are American legacy media. To these offenders, and their canards, CNAV offers this defense of the Freedom Convoy.
Best example of good reporting by legacy medium
Before we proceed, let us give kudos to The Toronto Sun for being good enough to carry this article by Joe Warmington on the happenings in Ottawa. He lays it on the line:
Turns out the lasting image of the Freedom Convoy protest at Parliament Hill will not be bouncy castles but that of a woman with a walker being trampled by a police horse.
He means, of course, this image:

Next he asks after the health of the woman involved. (Reports about her health are conflicting at this time.)
And that’s not all!
Does Justin Trudeau, Nero-like, fiddle while Ottawa … no, Ottawa does not burn. But freedom does.
Furthermore, Warmington confirms much of what we have heard from other sources.
I have asked for the names and conditions of the people trampled, the person hit with the rifle and also the man allegedly arrested at gunpoint after having his truck windows smashed out.
It may have looked like a police state Friday. But it’s not one. That said, the Trudeau government had already obscenely used blunt force by deputizing Canada’s banks to freeze the accounts of protesters and threatening to cancel their licences, insurance and even take away their pets and children.
No matter how it’s spun at the end of the day, a majority of these protesters merely didn’t want to take a vaccine, parked illegally, honked their horns and disobeyed Trudeau. It’s not enough to hurt them.
Legacy media behave badly – and a Freedom Convoy supporter calls them on it live
From Steve Crowder we have this: Glen MacGregor of MSNBC used that word siege to describe the events in Ottawa. But a certain supporter of the protest would not let him get away with it.
Note: Crowder calls him “Stooge McSyrup.” Then he quotes:
You say everyone here is violent. No, it’s the cops.
Exactly. And then:
Tell the truth, Justin Trudeau. Who’s your daddy, huh?
That refers to the thus-far unsubstantiated rumor that Justin Trudeau is the natural son of Fidel Castro. Now this much, and only this much, we know about that:
- Pierre Trudeau and his wife visited Communist Cuba at least once to pay a call on Fidel Castro.
- Justin Trudeau and a much younger Fidel Castro look remarkably alike.
Did Madame Trudeau “dedicate herself” to Communist “greatness,” “finding it so inclin’d”? (MacBeth IV.iii.74-77) That doesn’t matter! What matters is that Justin Trudeau learned his dictatorial statecraft from his two fathers, Pierre and Fidel. Whether Fidel is his actual father or a spiritual one, has led to the same result.
That result is his unilateral invocation of the Emergencies Act, and his suspension of Parliament on a “security” pretext.
About the Emergencies Act invocation
Several Twitter users have these videos of Justin Trudeau boasting of what the Emergencies Act lets him do. Lay aside for a moment whether that’s actual fact. For now, learn his attitude:
Inside Scoop Politics has more. The Canadian government describes the Emergencies Act and when it may apply. Specifically it applies to either:
- A public welfare emergency,
- A public order emergency,
- An international emergency, or
- A war emergency.
The linked resource bristles with safeguards for the rights of Canadians under their Charter of Rights. Clearly the situation in Ottawa does not meet any of the tests. Canada is not at war. If anyone is creating an international emergency, Trudeau himself is. Nor does the Freedom Convoy threaten public welfare or order. “You tell me to move and I ask why” does not constitute a threat to public order. The actions of Antifa and BLM and allied movements during the Summer of Rage in 2020, would.
Parliament suspended
Furthermore, that resource confirms that, while the PM may act immediately, he must stop if either Senate or House of Commons tells him to stop. So what do we see? He has suspended the House of Commons to stop it from voting or even talking about it.
That’s not the correct procedure, Captain.
An American missileer during the initial missile drill in the 1983 motion picture WarGames
But this time, Trudeau effectively said,
Screw the procedure. I want those trucks OFF THOSE STREETS. NOW. TODAY. THIS INSTANT. NOBODY DEFIES ME!
After saying this or something like it, he locked the doors. And the cops are obeying his orders, exactly like Stanley Milgram’s subjects.
Sadly, enough of Trudeau’s subjects (they are not citizens any longer, if they ever were) agree with him to give him political cover. So it falls to organs like this one to tear Trudeau’s case to tatters, and defend the Freedom Convoy in the court of world opinion.
Answering the case against the Freedom Convoy
CNAV will not waste time on allegations that members of the Freedom Convoy are “waving swastikas” or ANV battle flags. (We’ve heard of one person carrying the old “Stars and Bars” battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia. That person could have been a plant, doing it for show.) Nor will CNAV discuss allegations of the seizure of guns or bombs. We have one report involving four alleged members – probably agents provocateurs, if the accusations even have any merit. Besides, this “bust” didn’t happen in Ottawa, but in Courts, Alberta.
Instead, CNAV will concentrate on things we know the truckers have done, and what, if any, difference it makes.
Interference with international commerce
This canard refers to the temporary blockade of the Ambassador Bridge and other U.S.-Canadian border crossings. But recall why the protest even started. The federal government slapped on a vaccine mandate on all international truckers. So if anyone is interfering with international commerce, the federal government is doing that. Certain goods were not moving anyway, and others would stop moving in time. Not only that, but we heard of a proposal for a vaccine mandate on interprovincial truck traffic. (We say “interstate”; they say “interprovincial.”) Now who’s interfering? Roadblocks! Checkpoints!
All you have to do is take the vaccine!
A great idea, bird brains. Tell people to take a preparation that will kill them, either straight away or by inches. (On second thought, “bird brains” is a gratuitous insult – to birds. Birds are far smarter than we give them credit for – and smarter than Trudeau and his twerps and goons.)
How do we know this? First, some relevant financial data tells the tale. According to Dr. Joseph R. Mercola, writing in The Liberty Beacon:
- Funeral homes are doing a land-office business as people are dying like flies – from the vaccine.
- Insurance companies are having a bad, bad, bad day, paying out claims on the last policyholders they would expect.
What would Actor Edward G. Robinson, as Claims Manager Barton Keyes of Pacific All-Risk, in Double Indemnity, say to this? Most likely, his Little Man would give him indigestion, as always happened when he handled a false claim. Then he might learn something else from those same funeral directors. They’re getting the business, all right – but have trouble embalming their subjects. The bodies are full of post-mortem clots in numbers and thickness they’ve never seen before. Which is the mechanism of death from the vaccine.
And he would be telling his boss to warn policyholders that, if they took the jab, Pacific All-Risk would have to cancel their policies.
In real life, that’s a risk a number of truckers don’t want to take.
Freedom Convoy has a counterclaim
But now the Freedom Convoy has a definite counterclaim, even more than that the vaccine would kill them. We see a possible false-flag pseudo-operation and a definite brutal response rivaling that of the People’s Liberation Army to the student demonstrations in Tiananmen Square. Furthermore we see a Stanley Milgram Obedience Experiment on a national scale. In fact we see worse: the legacy media organs are acting like the coaches in that experiment. Which is to say, the ones saying:
The experiment requires that you continue. We told you that the shocks, while painful, do no harm. You have to continue, whether [the S subject] likes it or not. You have no choice.
A similar Freedom Convoy is now organizing on this side of the border. The infamous Capitol Fence is rising again, ahead of that, and the State of the Union address.
Now we shall see how matters will unfold in a country where one ranking officer, contemplating invasion, famously warned:
You cannot invade the mainland United States. [If you did, you would find] a rifle behind every blade of grass.Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, Imperial Japanese Navy
Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.
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[…] Monday 14 February, Prime Minster Trudeau invoked Canada’s Emergencies Act to deal with the Freedom Convoy. This guide to the Act prescribes that Parliament must affirm such a declaration within a week. If […]