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New poll shows most Republicans reject being described as ‘MAGA’



new poll conducted by Grinnell College and The Selzer Group, Inc. showed most American Republicans reject the “MAGA” label, and that voters overall believe the health of the country’s democracy is the most important issue in the upcoming midterm elections.

The poll, released on Friday, found a majority of likely voters who identify as Republican do not wish to be labeled as a MAGA Republican, a phrase which has commonly come to refer to someone who identifies with the politics of former president Donald Trump.

A total of 42 percent of Republican respondents said they identified as MAGA Republicans, while a majority 58 percent said they rejected the term.

In the breakdown of voters who tend to embrace the MAGA label, older (55 and up), white (77 percent), non-college educated (76 percent), male (59%), respondents were the largest group. They also overwhelmingly identify as “strong Republicans” (65 percent) and Protestant (61 percent). 

Asked what issue tops their list of most important factors in deciding which way voters will cast their ballots, a whopping 81 percent of respondents said the health of American democracy is their leading issue.


Broken down, 78 percent of Republicans answered this was important, along with 85 percent of Democrats and 82 percent of independents.

An overwhelming majority of Republicans – 94 percent – said the economy is the most important issue of the midterms. Of Democrat respondents, 85 percent said abortion was a top issue.

Peter Hanson, director of the Grinnell College National Poll, wrote in the findings.

“Democrats are focused on abortion, Republicans on the economy and public schools, and both parties are fired up about the health of American democracy. Meanwhile, independents are much more likely to rank the economy above abortion rights as a major factor in their vote, and this creates opportunities for Republicans to win their support as we head into the final month of campaigning.”

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Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.

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Donald R. Laster, Jr

Of course what people forget about “MAGA” is it is about restoring US Constitutional rule in the US. It is not about siding with Donald Trump or anything similar.


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