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Indictments summarized – and scrutinized

The four indictments against Donald J. Trump all have political and/or personal vindictive motives – while prosecutors let crime ramp up.

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Late on August 14, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis filed the latest of four indictments against Donald J. Trump. This is also the second indictment relating to Trump’s contesting the Election of 2020. (The other is the January 6 case.) The day after the fourth indictment broke, Dom Lucre dropped a thread summarizing all the indictments against Trump. He also discussed who the prosecuting attorneys are, and who’s funding them: George Soros. Lucre concludes that these prosecutors (except maybe Special Counsel Jack Smith) are not doing their jobs. Specifically they are letting serious, even violent crime run rampant in their jurisdictions. Besides, nothing alleged against Trump is or should ever be criminal. Nor have Democrats refrained from challenging elections when they thought it would suit them.

Previous summary of indictments

Thus far Trump has four indictments pending against him:

  • New York v. Trump, for allegedly using campaign funds to pay off an alleged former paramour,
  • United States v. Trump I (the Documents Case), for alleged mishandling of classified documents,
  • United States v. Trump II (the January 6 Case), for allegedly inciting the “attacks” on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, and
  • Georgia v. Trump et al., for allegedly trying to flip the Election of 2020 when he “knew” it was fair.

Special Counsel Jack Smith has brought the two federal cases. A local District Attorney (Alvin Bragg for New York County, and Fani Willis for Fulton County, Georgia) has brought each of the State cases.

Three of the four cases allege some kind of chicanery relating to elections – or the Election of 2020 in particular. The fourth charges him with handling documents that, according to some expert interpretations of the Presidential Records Act, belong to him anyway.

Very little doubt remains that the Democratic Party wants somehow to disqualify Trump from running for office. They cannot disqualify him in the minds of the voters, because every indictment becomes more popular, not less. This might explain the most recent indictment – using Georgia’s version of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. Conviction under that Act carries a mandatory prison sentence.

The thread

With that as background, herewith the odd numbers for Dom Lucre’s August 15 thread:


A trailing post follows the nineteen-post thread with information for donating to Mr. Lucre’s curated thread collection.

Reaction is mostly positive. This post, however, offers more information – an analysis of batches of mail-in ballots received at the big Atlanta polling place.

Another user shared a collage of Bragg, Smith and Willis, with a revealing caption:

The “not in Russia” statement refers both to the allegation that Trump had Russian help in “stealing” the Election of 2016, and to the Russia-Ukraine War.


Dom Lucre has definitely shown that Alvin Bragg and Fani Willis are letting their cities languish under violent crime. At the same time they are pursuing purely political prosecutions. As is Jack Smith – who has a record of having his convictions vacated on appeal.


No failing candidate has ever faced criminal charges for filing a false or frivolous election challenge. Candidates have filed election challenges before, and some have managed to reverse the outcome. The only good reason for a criminal filing would be if the candidate, having forced a recount or post-election audit, somehow interfered with the counters and/or auditors to influence the result.

These things happen because Republicans let them happen. That even includes these indictments. Dr. Steve Turley held two days ago that most of the Republican leadership is “feckless and wotthless.”

That is demonstrably not true of ordinary voters, who seem to rally toward Trump in greater numbers with each indictment:

Yesterday Dr. Josiah Lippincott suggested securing the loyalties of truckers (especially independent truckers) and railway workers, in addition to his own loyal supporters. Lippincott then called upon his readers to imagine an America, with Trump either in jail or cheated again – and then paralyzed with a general transportation strike, of the trucking and railroad industry at the same time. Dr. Turley reminded his listeners that similar protests in several European countries have forced changes of government or immediate capitulation.

Risky? Yes. But to quote Lippincott, it’s now on the table.

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Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.

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