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Trump – prosecutions make him more popular, not less

Donald J. Trump is more popular, not less, and his arrest makes a key constituency regard him as one of them! Democrats have noticed.

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Trump more popular than ever

Former President Donald J. Trump is more popular, not less, with the four prosecutions of him now under way. Democrats are starting to notice – and they do not like what they see. For what they see, is Trump capturing constituencies that once belonged to them. Those same constituencies have always considered themselves outside the law, and that the law persecuted them. Now they see (or think they see) that happening to Trump – and are reacting accordingly.

Trump more popular than ever

Trump made his formal surrender at the Fulton County Jail on August 24, 2023 – ten days ago. At the same time, several Republicans in the House of Representatives announced an investigation of the Fulton County District Attorney.

That investigation is not what the “man on the street” is noticing. The Gateway Pundit gives some detail. The Fulton County Sheriff’s Department released Trump’s “mug shot,” in which Trump faced the camera with a steely, icy stare.

Even Elon Musk took notice. As well he might, because the former President had not used his account in more than two-and-a-half years. (And he still hasn’t used it since; he does all his posting on Truth Social.)

More to the point, Democrats are taking notice, beginning with former Acting DNC Chair Donna Brazile. X user ALX embedded a video of an interview she gave:


With every indictment, Trump becomes more popular. He inaugurated a new website at this domain. At last report he has raised more than $9 million on that steely-eyed mug shot. He raised most of this within two days, setting a fundraising record. Brazile, noticing this, said that Donald Trump is clearly the leader of a movement – a movement at least as strong as that of Reagan and Obama before him, if not stronger. She warned that one cannot campaign effectively against Trump using “the old political rules.” The icy stare, far from off-putting, is clearly galvanizing.

Hi, jailbird!

This post is more telling.

The young man in the video says Trump has captured the imagination of the black community, specifically by his arrest. “Trump is a brother now!” he said. In other words, this man, and those he’s talked to, have offered the former President a kind of lodge greeting. It’s the last thing anyone would have predicted – and the worst mistake the Democrats ever made.

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Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.

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Donald R. Laster, Jr

Everyone knows he is being attacked and framed. People tend to side with victims and everyone knows this is a political persecution.


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