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Democrats played the long game

Democrats have been screaming about an insurrection because that is their long game. They learned well from their tutor, Josef Goebbels.

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Democrats played the long game

Give credit where credit is due, as the old adage goes. Today, it dawned on me why the Democrats in power have been screaming from the high-hells since January 6, 2021, that President Trump engaged in an “insurrection.” It is not because they are lower on the intelligence poll than your average bear. Though, I cannot say the same about their voters, since anyone with two brain cells to rub together and does not get spoon-fed their thoughts by CNN, knows that calling the events of January 6 an insurrection is an insult to real attempts at insurrection—such as the Black Lives Matter Riots and the Washington D.C. Riots the day Trump was sworn in.

And it is not because they’re hippie-loving tree-huggers who are overdramatic and non-confrontational.

It is the opposite: Democrats and their puppeteers are intelligent, calculated, strategic thinkers. Unlike Republicans, they have a spine and are in it for the long haul.

There is a famous book by Edward Bernays entitled Propaganda. It is the “holy grail” for advertisers and marketers. In short, marketing and advertising is not about the initial impact of advertisements, it is about planting the seed within the consumer’s subconscious. The more they see it, the deeper the seed is planted. As I’ve mentioned many times, Democrats follow Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbel’s rule religiously: lie, lie, and use the force of the state, then your lie becomes the truth.

Democrats and their media proxies have been screaming endlessly for almost three years about an “insurrection” to warp the minds of the many who do not think for themselves. Because the way you win policy or swing the pendulum in your favor is not by court rulings or legislation, but first by convincing the public. The way we can combat this is to speak the truth to anyone—I don’t even care if they want to listen or not.


Not since the Civil War has the country been so split down the middle. Half of the country is convinced Trump engaged in insurrection (I assume some democrat voters do not believe this, but their spine is not thick enough to speak up). The other half remembers Trump saying “engage in peaceful protest” before social media took him off the airwaves. When has an insurrection or the leader of one demanded it be peaceful?

The ferocity and tactics with which Democrats and the powers that be have pursued—and continue to pursue—taking out President Trump since he left office should worry every American. It is ludicrous to assert January 6, 2021, was an insurrection. Every rebellion throughout history had weapons.

The Supreme Court should put an end to this Democrat strategy once and for all. All of us should keep speaking the truth, regardless of the size of our megaphone. Do not underestimate the power of changing one mind.

This article appeared first on Taboo Talks on Substack, and appears here by permission. – Ed.

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Mackenzie Alan Bettle, Esq. is an attorney licensed in the State of Arizona.


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