A week and a half ago, the Biden administration finished a sweeping revision, that they began two years ago, of rules for implementing Title IX of...
Two days ago the United States Supreme Court granted a stay of yet another “universal injunction.” But what caught the country’s attention, was the subject of...
Newly obtained video confirms that both recent CEOs of the Walt Disney Co. were "woke," as a fired star takes the company to court.
Texas independence, or a renegotiation of federal-State relations, might now be inevitable if the Biden administration makes one false move.
The global elite has declared war on the next generation, by conditioning people into anti-reproductive lifestyle choices.
The Walt Disney Company, once powerful enough to get special privileges, is dying. The woke politics of its CEO killed it.
Abandoning agriculture, immune overstimulation, alternative lifestyles, child "emancipation," crime - could all be part of one plot.
Americans have shrunk from enforcing the Law of Moses, once the basis for American common law. Other countries are enforcing that Law.
Brown University's student newspaper reported a sharp rise in alternative lifestyle identification over more than a decade of surveys.
The Supreme Court closed out its 2022 Term by moving America further toward a Constitutional republic. Some, on and off the Court, are irate.