James Madison, the father of the American Constitution, held that separation of religion and politics would purify religion and remove a bitter source of conflict in...
Kurt Lewin, the 20th century German-American psychologist, is recognized as the founder of social psychology – the study of how the personality, attitudes, motivations, and behavior...
“Then shall ye do unto him, as he had thought to have done unto his brother: so shalt thou put the evil away from among you.”...
Today I am going to construct a dialogue between two Jews, Jerry and Joshua. The telling of this may be a bit awkward but nonetheless informative.
The Midrash states: “There are three whose names preceded [their birth] – Yitzhak, Shlomo [King Solomon], and Yoshiyahu.” As Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz points out in...
Nikita S. Khrushchev said, “Comrades! We must abolish the cult of the individual decisively, once and for all.”
This past Shabbat, all across the Jewish world, the yearly Sabbath Torah reading began anew with Bereshit, the beginning of Genesis. With the recent reconciliation agreement...
“In politics,” said President Franklin D. Roosevelt, “nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” Consider what is happening...
Anti-Semitism originated during biblical times when Jesus Christ, the most famous Jew in the world, left traditional Judaism to create a new religion. Christ’s first century...
On or about Monday 18 September 2017, someone published a graphic on Facebook. He titled it “Let’s assume the Earth is 6000 years old.” But he...