Mitt Romney is still the nominal Republican front-runner in South Carolina and the country But his support, while broad, is shallow. Many of the attacks on...
Ron Paul is showing greater strength, and his followers are showing more enthusiasm. Tonight’s debate will show whether he is strong enough.
Rick Santorum benefits from several recent dramatic coalition-building moves. But are they too late for him to win in South Carolina?
Flying rumors saying that Mitt Romney is a Mexican national are false and misleading. Mitt Romney is a natural-born citizen of the United States. As such...
January 4, 2012 is a day of reflection. Reflecting on the numbers of the Iowa Caucus seems to be one of the nation’s most popular sports...
The Iowa caucuses are over, and they have profoundly changed the Republican Presidential race. The South Carolina primary will show exactly how.
What can be more dangerous than an ideologue with power? Before answering that question, we should be clear about what an ideologue is. An ideologue is...
It’s laughable to read what the enthusiastic Republican establishment and progressive left want you to believe about their fair-haired boys, Mitt Romney and Chris Christie. Fact:...
Ron Paul gives people many reasons to recommend him or to decry him. But to judge him properly, one must argue honestly and thoughtfully. Many of...
Over the weekend, another witness came forward that can help everyone put Ron Paul and his life and career into proper perspective. Sadly, that perspective does...