The Rick Perry evolution question was all the rage two days ago, and raises at least three disturbing questions of its own.
Does Russia Today back Ron Paul? Are they breaking US law? A long-time alternative-media organ charged just that yesterday.
Is the Republican Party smearing Ron Paul through guilt by association? Or do any of his accusers have a valid argument? You decide.
Michele Bachmann surprised many observers by winning the Ames straw poll, even as Governor Rick Perry entered the race late.
Ron Paul has been an isolationist for most of his career. It will cost him his last campaign, despite his good ideas about the economy.
Michele Bachmann is the best proponent of Tea Party values among Republican candidates. In the Iowa debate, she let everyone know it.
The New Jersey Parental Rights Program is good education reform, except for two near deal-killers for private religious schools.
Why have gay activists instigated media attention over ex-gays and the husband of Presidential candidate Michelle Bachmann?
RoseAnn Salanitri, founder of the Tea Party Caucus in New Jersey, discussed her new organization with your editor yesterday.
Michele Bachmann did not come by her conservative beliefs by accident. Her personal experiences have made her the conservative that she is.